Win a $250 prize pack!Our team at ContestCanada loves our great nation. And, frankly, it’s time for us to pull together. To let our values – kindness, decency, freedom – shine through in a world increasingly polarized by divisiveness and hate. So we’ve teamed up with a Canadian apparel producer, CaLove, to provide an incentive in the form of a $250 prize pack for this contest. It includes a Home Hardware gift card and some awesome gear to show your love of Canada (available in all sizes). You can win it, and it’s easy to enter. All you need to do is… SPEAK UP! Tell us what you love about Canada – your comment will count as an entry in the random draw. Be original though – any cut-and-paste duplication of other comments will be disqualified. You can post a comment here (below), or on our Instagram post. On Instagram, you can get bonus entries by liking and sharing our post.

Entry Frequency: unlimited
Age: age of majority

Expires February 28, 2025

20 Responses to Win a Home Hardware gift card and CaLove clothing prize pack valued at $250

  1. Lynn M says:

    What do I love about Canada? There are so many things that are great, but I will tell you about what happened over the winter. I have a new neighbour who has a skid steer. He owns the private road I live on and not only does he clear the road (the previous road owner did not) but he also clears my driveway. Now, that is pretty outstanding as it is but the other day, after particularly heavy snows, his got stuck. I managed to get the snowblower going and cleared a path to the equipment (until I got stuck – but managed to dislodge the snowblower). Between the driver, his two kids, myself and another neighbour who has more experience with equipment, we managed to get him out. We all shook hands, said thank you and continued to our own homes. That is what I see with Canadians – when someone needs help, we pitch in to help. (I realize not all are like this, but I think the majority are.)

  2. jeffx says:

    No matter were I travel to internationally, when I come back to Canada, I alway feel like I am returning to the palce I belong. There’s so many good people, that is beyond people saying “sorry” a lot. And their is a quite, humble pride that makes Canada special place.

  3. Robin Major says:

    I love Canada and am proud to be a Canadian. Born in Vancouver, BC, it’s home my entire life.

    I appreciate our freedoms, diversity and compassion. Canadians are among the best people in the world.

    And Canada is truly beautiful.

  4. Amy liu says:

    i love Canada because there are lots of beautiful mountains and lakes, people are very kind here . Besides, we have freedom, great healthy care system

  5. Attila M says:

    I love that Canada is nothing like the United States and that our leaders aren’t old crazy cooks who believe they are royalty and blessed by the gods to benefit themselves and their rich Billionaire “friends” at the expense of everyone’s else whom they see as beneath them.

  6. Debbie Beattie says:

    I love how Canada has always been there for other countries that have been in trouble like with WW1 and WW2; our people signed up to help others in need while knowing it could and would take their lives.
    Canada’s compassion runs deep.

  7. Debbie Beattie says:

    I love how beautiful Canada is, From coast to coast, our landscape is the most beautiful in the world, from mountains, to oceans to cottage country, Canada really is so beautiful

  8. Marcus says:

    Personal liberties and multicultural support.

  9. Anna Ngo says:

    Just the weather is a bit harsh, every thing is lovely in Canada: landscape, mindset, people… I feel peaceful, healthy and being cared of in here. I know I chose the right place to live.

  10. Christine Anne Conway says:

    Canada is a beautiful country with a lot to offer.
    But the United States is founded on individual Liberty. Therefore the greatest nation to ever exist.
    God Bless America.

  11. JC says:

    We have a community and social safety net system that on the whole is in theory designed to support and protect us all as a community. From education, to healthcare and all of the infrastructure of our country. Even if we don’t always show it I think overall Canada is great at supporting us all.

  12. Lisa English says:

    I am proud to be Canadian,
    Canadians would give you the shirt off their back, not try to take it.

  13. Solange L says:

    For its nature, its people, its openness, pour le Québec et la langue Québecoise.

  14. Richard says:

    I love Canada’s nature and her generally friendly, easy-going people!

  15. Riley Johnson says:

    I love the feeling of nation pride when we hosted the 2010 winter Olympics! That hockey game was iconic!

  16. STEPHEN HILL says:

    I love Canada, my home for over 50 years, for many things, but probably most of all for its unwavering kindness. What makes it truly special is its people—neighbours not just to each other, but to the world. In times of crisis, Canada steps up. We offer aid, shelter, and a helping hand with no expectation but the hope of trying to make the world better…we understand, to our core I think, that its simply the right thing to do.

  17. Debbie Beattie says:

    I love how Canadians are willing to help each other whether it be needing your driveway shovelled or needing a battery boost we Canadians are there for each other.

  18. Debbie Beattie says:

    you’re not answering for the right country so you should answer for your own contests and not for Canada

  19. Debbie Beattie says:

    I love the safety that Canada provides; we don’t have to worry about random violence or gun violence like many countries have to worry about. Safety is a great thing for peace of mind!!!!!!!

  20. Sandra Fink says:

    I love our beautiful country. I love our winters with all the snow. I love our spirit, both of togetherness and competitiveness. I love our free health care. I love our uniqueness.

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