October 10th, 2020

Visit The Beat for a chance to win a $500 Best Buy e-gift card. Good luck!

Entry Frequency: daily

Expires October 28, 2020

5 Responses to Win a $500 Best Buy e-Gift Card

  1. Debbie Fedorak says:

    I hope I win, so many amazing products to purchase at Best Buy.

  2. Nikita George says:

    This would mean a lot, something to brighten up this 2020 for me.

  3. Kate Hopkins says:

    Just moved into my new apartment with my three-year-old and literally have nothing Christmas is coming I have no income really looking for a miracle

  4. cari main says:

    $500 could buy a lot of Christmas gifts.

  5. Linda Walsh says:

    I would buy an apple iPad mini.