December 6th, 2016

Check out eTreatMD for a chance to win your choice of a PlayStation 4 or a $400 Sephora gift card. Good luck!

Entry Frequency: daily

Photo/Video required

Expires December 22, 2016

9 Responses to Win a PS4 or a $400 Sephora Gift Card

  1. Polina says:

    I need it so badly:(

  2. kat says:

    hey there..just know this is some sort of ‘acne challenge’ contest to enter..this is just below the entry form…I understand that I must take 1 photo a day of my acne for 7 days to enter to this contest!! so be aware eh! 🙂

    • Jason Poulin says:

      Yeah, what happens if you don’t have acne? don’t get this contest…. I want a ps4 though.

  3. teri feeney says:

    Red bulbs

  4. teri feeney says:

    Red bulbs

  5. teri feeney says:

    Sunshine. And. Christmas

  6. teri feeney says:

    Time to party. Merry Christmas folk’s

  7. teri feeney says:

    Dream. For snow

  8. Carmen says:

    Play me