June 15th, 2016

Enter here every day for a chance to win a Central Intelligence prize pack. It includes a fanny pack. Your friends will make fun of you for that. Use with caution. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: daily
Open to: BC, AB, SK, MB, YK, ON

Expires June 19, 2016
Gear up with the best financial products in Canada & win a Mountain Of Prizes

6 Responses to Win a Central Intelligence Prize Pack

  1. i would wear that fanny pack proudly, i would laugh along with my friends.. pick me.. I enjoy a good laugh

  2. kind_of_blue says:

    Dwayne Johnson: CIA agent
    Kevin Hart: accountant

  3. Susan B says:

    I’ll be giving the fanny pack to kind_of_blue. 🙂

  4. kind_of_blue says:

    Nice I’ll wear it with my socks n sandals,cargo shorts,cutoff Nickelback t and my mullet. FTW 😀

    • Susan B says:

      Socks n sandals! NICE! Have you seen the new socks out? You don’t even have to wear the sandals, the socks are printed with the sandals right on them.