September 20th, 2014

Enter here for a chance to win a BEAM
Alliance Central Vacuum System. Realty fact: houses with central vac systems sell 13% faster than houses without. I read that in a book I saw online three weeks before my last birthday. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: weekly
Not open to: QC
Age: 18+

Expires November 2, 2014

4 Responses to Win a Beam Electrolux Central Vacuum System

  1. Frances says:

    Great Prizes BUT I NEVER WIN

  2. Patricia says:

    I would love to own this. Good Luck Frances.

  3. Karina VanWijk says:

    Would love to have central vac! I’m Obsessed lol

  4. CLAR--- K says:

    I Would love to beam in this beam and beam out my old vac-eam