April 26th, 2014

Residents of Ontario can enter here daily for a chance to win VIP passes to the Victoria Day Speedfest Weekend at the Canadian Tire Motorsport Park. How come the race car drivers never signal when they want to change lanes? Wouldn’t that cut down on crashes? Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: daily
Open to: ON
Age: 19+

Expires May 9, 2014
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2 Responses to Win VIP passes to the Victoria Day Speedfest Weekend (ON only)

  1. hannah says:

    i wanna win so bad, my brother will be here from N.B., my son and him love ,ride and own bikes, but they could never afford this prize, i hope their names are chosen. what a blast! THANKS

  2. This would be so exciting, never been there but hear it is a great place to watch racing. Pick me.