October 5th, 2013

You win great daily prizes instantly every time you play the GAME OF LIFE: CAA Life-side Assistance Edition!

Entry Frequency: daily
Open to: ON

Expires November 24, 2013
Gear up with the best financial products in Canada & win a Mountain Of Prizes

18 Responses to Win a $200 gift card from Apple, Roots, Walmart or Sport Chek!

  1. hannah says:


  2. Darlene Shipticki says:

    I would love to be able to afford a trip south for me and my daughter. It was a tough couple of years on us having to rebuild from scratch our life and home, but we have managed. My daughter was hoping to go on a trip with her school, but that fell through, so now if I could give her an early christmas gift to go on a trip during the school break next winter, that would be awesome! Me and her and our time after so many life struggles!

  3. Terry says:

    This’s blessing if I go on vacation, must appreciated

  4. Rosella says:

    Vacations can heal the mind body and soul I need a vacation

  5. Tammy says:

    I’ve won a $10 gas card and a Cineplex movie pass so far

  6. joeforrest says:

    Wow my wife would be so happy if that wish for a trip came true.

  7. lorri says:

    won a car wash today

  8. Doug says:

    I really wanna win this

  9. Doug says:

    I wanna win

  10. Kim says:

    Never been on vacation, i have only taken off 6 days this whole year. I would love to win 🙂

  11. Help..I need a warm tropical island to survive!!!

  12. shelby says:


  13. Ryan Clark says:

    I would love to win this! cross my fingers:)

  14. Helena mac donald says:

    Wouldn’t this be lovely….Good luck to all..

  15. CiCi says:

    Did not see this up but there’s a contest from the source on facebook.

  16. Love this contest!

  17. Fee says:

    I deserve a vacation! 😀

  18. Binx says:

    Could really use this for my girls and I before Christmas, times are tough right now. Maybe I confused but is this for $200? Threw me off with the vacation comments?