March 29th, 2012

Enter for a chance to win $3000-worth of grocery gift cards from the supermarket of your choice. I’d spend it all to make a mountain of Reese’s Peanut Butter cups in my living room. Good luck!

Entry Frequency: single

Expires October 31, 2012

10 Responses to Win Free Groceries for a Year

  1. sm batten says:

    I like supporting good causes and getting a chance to win

  2. Ken Mc Dougall says:

    That’s a good prize

  3. Cathy says:

    Not open to quebec

  4. verna gordon says:

    what a great prize

  5. kim says:

    Good Idea

  6. steve callahan says:

    what a anniversary gift that would make {41} years

  7. T D MacG says:

    I am a mother of a young family and have recently been diagnosed and undergone surgery for brain tumor/cancer. Times are tough during this ordeal and what a fabulous prize it would be for my family!!

  8. T Dean MacG says:

    What a fabulous prize this would be for my young family who is going through such a hard time!! I am a wife/mother of 2 teens and 2 little ones and I have been diagnosed and undergone surgery for brain tumor/cancer. Now I am undergoing radiation and chemotherapy and been given months to years….my family could really use this fabulous prize, especially around the christmas season…please give us this wonderful chance at a fabulous prize!! Thankyou!!

  9. France's says:

    Love to win the free groceries mother of four kids!!!