August 20th, 2011

Participate daily for a chance to win prizes from Best Buy. The grand prize is $15,000 in-store credit, and other prizes include a $1,500 mobile package, laptops, and $500 gift cards. I’m not sure how I’d spend $15,000, but I’d definitely start with one of those new MacBook Air laptops. Good luck!

Entry Frequency: daily

Expires September 15, 2011
Gear up with the best financial products in Canada & win a Mountain Of Prizes

12 Responses to Win $15,000 in-store credit at Best Buy

  1. iain says:

    Wow I sure could go on a nice shopping spree at BB
    bet it is not real

  2. Cecilia says:

    Wow!these prizes sound great.I hope I win.

  3. Karen Jorritsma says:

    The things I could buy with that in-store credit prize would be a dream come true.

  4. Jim says:

    Code for Best Buy’s Facebook page:7k2m5dx7

    This pale blue device lets you catch up on your favorite novel:8trda52s

  5. love this contest a new tv would be good and a computer.

  6. trent says:

    Thanks Jim

  7. eileen woods says:

    Boy! What I couldn’t do with all that!

  8. Nick says:

    Just what i needed 🙂

  9. samantha says:

    just what my son will need when he starts school this year!

  10. UNREAL !! I would blown away if we won such a prize 🙂 loacted in chilliwack would be more then happy to drive to vancouver for some new electronics!! Boyfreind could use a new car stereo!! Please please, would appriciate every penny. Thanks

  11. FxFreak says:

    Extra Credit #4
    1- a24568ca
    2- 242c6395
    3- ??

    Can someone give me the codes for Extra Credit #1, #2 and #3?

  12. Nimble says:

    Newsletter codes:

    #1: s4p72sub
    #2: t972ss7k
    #4: 985jax85

    I’m missing week #3 – that newsletter is just gone from my inbox.