August 5th, 2011

Enter here for a chance to win an Apple iPad 2 and a Trident case of your choice. Does anyone out there use an iPad to enter contests? How do you like it? Does the lack of Flash cause a big hurdle? These are questions I need answers to. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: single
Age: 18+

Expires September 5, 2011
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5 Responses to Win an iPad 2

  1. Yvette B. says:

    If I HAD an iPAD I would use it to enter contests!!

  2. don242 says:

    Tried a friends for a few days and it was the lack of flash that resulted in us going with a different brand. For what we wanted to be able to use if for, flash was a big factor. Too bad because otherwise it was nice (though found battery life was also lacking a little but it could have just been perception since didn’t use it long enough).

  3. katydidit says:

    I don’t use my iPad2 for contests. Lack of flash is too limiting. I do use it for almost everything else. Also, auto correct is a PITA when entering captcha codes.

  4. Gord says:

    I thought I was entering to win some gum.

  5. robert dicecca says:

    my son would love this