March 26th, 2011

Enter here via Facebook for a chance to win a 3-night trip for 2 to Las Vegas, Nevada. Whoever invented Vegas must be like super rich by now. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: single
Not open to: QC, NB

Membership required

Expires April 30, 2011

5 Responses to Win a trip to Las Vegas

  1. verna gordon says:

    A great way to get away

  2. Elizabeth- says:

    I’d love to see the setting sun in Las Vegas!

  3. hussein says:

    hope i win win

  4. Laura says:

    Organized Crime bosses started Vegas and I think that got pretty rich and probably already had lots of money. I think vegas is much cleaner now.

  5. Elizabeth- says:

    I definitely want to travel to Las Vegas.. It would fulfill one of my dreams, and hopefully be a worthwhile experience!