February 26th, 2010

If you can figure out the location hidden in that 3D artwork, you can win a trip there. Focus deeply and enter here. Then tell me what it is because I’ve never been able to see through these things. PS I think it’s Australia. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: single
Age: age of majority

Expires March 24, 2010
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6 Responses to Win a trip

  1. Roy says:

    Rules state all Canadians eligible but Selection of Province limited. ??? Whats Up!!!

  2. M2 says:

    I have never been able to see anything in these types of puzzles, I remember trying even when I was a kid. I tried moving closer, further, crossing my eyes, but I don’t see anything.. Thank goodness for the question and Artman’s tip.

  3. Chuck says:

    Check the Rules – You can actually enter once, during each specific time period, for EACH trip they are giving away so make sure to go back to enter for each one!!!!

    Good Luck to all of us

  4. sue ursel says:

    It is Australia for this weeks.

  5. ginger632 says:

    You only have to click “reveal image” to see the picture….bottom left hand corner.

  6. Sheri says:

    I would so love to go to Australia. My BFF’s little sister went for a visit in 1989 and never came back. I’d love to surprise my BFF and take to Australia with me to see Shelley & her daughter Jordan (who’s 18th B-Day is this year)