February 22nd, 2010

Enter here every day for a chance to win $3000 to reinvent yourself. I’d like to reinvent myself by becoming debt free. That qualifies I hope. Good Luck!q

Entry Frequency: daily
Not open to: QC
Age: age of majority

Expires March 21, 2010

5 Responses to Win $3000

  1. Rachel says:

    I tried to enter but got a fatal exception error when I hit “submit”. Anyone else?

  2. laurel says:

    no mine went through just fine, try fire fox

  3. Rachel says:

    I already use Firefox. When I entered again today, I didn’t have the same problem. Must have just been a one-time glitch.

  4. It is anyone’s hope and dream to win instantly whether it be money or anything else, it’s part of the excitement!

  5. Elizabeth says:

    It would be a dream come true finally to win the money and spend the money where it is needed.