February 6th, 2010

Request a home or vehicle insurance quote for a chance to win a 2010 Honda Insight plus $3000 for gas. Or you may choose to take $30,000 in cash. I’ll give you one guess which one I’d pick. Bzzzz, too late. I choose cash. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: single
Age: age of majority

Expires January 14, 2011
Gear up with the best financial products in Canada & win a Mountain Of Prizes

10 Responses to Win a Honda Insight

  1. hope says:

    geez! a whole year! can they make this contest any LONGER??? no doubt want names and phone numbers to gather to ‘bug’ people! hmmm…

  2. Susan K says:

    There are very specific rules of who can enter this one- people might want to check before entering

  3. Insight says:

    Brand new car from Honda or Toyota Prius CLONE?

  4. Chuck says:

    Susan, I hope everyone checks the rules on every contest before they enter. Like I’m gonna do in a minute… BTW – Good Luck to you all, but I really need a new set of wheels, my old one has 230,000 kms

  5. I would love to win a Honda period, let alone a Honda Insight.

  6. nancy says:

    I like to have a Honda.

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  9. Linda says:

    Hondas are the best and I would love to give one to my daughter to take away to university

  10. M. Riedyk says:
