July 15th, 2008

Oh my, have you seen the new iPhone? Do you want one? Me too, but the price is putting me off. But I’m willing to pay if it’s free. Enter here every day for a chance to win an Apple iPhone plus a 3-year phone plan. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: daily
Age: 13+

Expires August 15, 2008
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3 Responses to Win an Apple iPhone

  1. s says:

    no qc… of course

  2. Susan says:

    I have a ‘jailbroke’ one and I love it, but now I’m being greedy and want a new ‘Canadian’ one. LOL!

  3. Patrice Marquis says:

    I try many phone, like the razr2 and htc touch from telus, had to turn them down because there bot have big flaws. iphone do have what all other phone dont have. look good and useful.