June 23rd, 2008

Enter here for a chance to win a 2008 Smart Car and a Nintendo Wii system or 1 of 5 Nintendo Family Packs consisting of a Wii console, two DS systems, plus some games. I think that car runs on Energizer batteries. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: daily
Open to: BC, AB, ON, QC
Age: 18+

Expires August 29, 2008
Join now and start earning money!

7 Responses to Win a 2008 Smart Car

  1. Sue Morin says:

    My grandson would love a Wii system and I could use a new car.

  2. Sue Morin says:

    A Wii system for my grandson and a car for me …… could I be that lucky?

  3. Sue Morin says:

    Still hanging in there !!!

  4. Sue Morin says:

    I really would like this car and I know my grandson would love the Wii system —- Good Luck to me !!!!

  5. Sue Morin says:

    Still eagerly waiting for that Smart car.

  6. Sue Morin says:

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed for this scooter.

  7. Sue Morin says:

    I’m really looking forward to that Smart car – I think I would look sooooooooooooo cool riding around in it – not to say how clever I would look at not having to spend a lot of money on gas.