February 8th, 2008

Here’s another chance to win a 1-week trip for 6 people to Hawaii to see Jack Johnson in concert. I don’t even have 5 friends worthy of going with me. Post a message here if you want to go with me (if I win). Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: single
Age: age of majority

Expires March 31, 2008
Join now and start earning money!

7 Responses to Win a trip to Hawaii to see Jack Johnson

  1. ANITA FERCHO says:

    I do….I do….lol

  2. Fahim Jadaa says:

    me too…..He He

  3. artman says:

    2 down, 3 to go. 🙂

  4. Donna Rinas says:

    I love Hawaii! The wondrous aroma hits you as soon as you land at the airport. It is fantastic! Yes, I would love to go!

  5. chococrazy says:

    I’ll go!!!!

  6. Brenda says:

    I guess I’ll be #6! Hawaii is an absolutely gorgeous place!

  7. tricia says:

    I’m down 🙂