November 23rd, 2007

Enter every day for 24 days for a chance to win 1 of 24 beauty kits daily. You can also win a $1000 grand prize. It’ll take a lot longer than 24 days to make me beautiful again. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: daily

Membership required

Expires December 10, 2007
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12 Responses to Win a beauty kit

  1. verna says:

    i need extra help to look good let me win

  2. If it takes longer than 5 minutes to apply makeup you’re wearing too much!!

  3. verna says:

    did my get lost in the rush?

  4. verna says:

    i want to look good for the holidays

  5. verna says:

    does my name look familiar- im still looking in my mailbox

  6. verna says:

    the saying goes- if one doesnt win at first- try again

  7. verna says:

    everybody is winning except me

  8. verna says:

    is this still open- I can hope

  9. verna says:

    im trying again — remember me

  10. verna says:

    i know now that i am a member — can i win

  11. verna says:

    please- olease- what else can i say

  12. verna says:

    how do we find out if we win

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