June 6th, 2007

Win a new GMC Sierra or a trip to the Calgary Stampede in the Saddle up a Sierra contest form GMC. I prefer warmed seats in my car but if a saddle is necessary then what the heck.

Entry Frequency: single

Expires July 14, 2007
Gear up with the best financial products in Canada & win a Mountain Of Prizes

7 Responses to Win a 2007 GMC Sierra or a Trip to Calgary

  1. If I were you I would choose the 2007 GMC sierra for the reason that I could never own such great car in the future whereas I always travel to Calgary Stampede anytime I like… Beside with the technically of being a full “hybrid”, which the Sierra had received a small increase in fuel economy and a big leap is usability that really enhanced its GMC fuel saver efficiency. This is one car your really wanna have for the rest of your life…

  2. Bettye says:

    ok….The GMC would be nice….then I can drive to Calgary…..I think I might know people there too….and can I pick the color?

  3. Stephen Munro says:

    Where’s the page you enter at?

  4. normbari says:

    I’m with Stephen Munro – Where the heck do you enter at???

  5. Stephen Munro says:

    Is this even a contest or did GMC just bribe someone for the space?

  6. Stephen Munro says:

    Ok, so I went to the GMC website and did a contest search and got nothing about this givaway. That, and the totally lame first comment makes me think this is fake.
    What I really don’t understand is why the people behind contest Canada are trying to trick everyone. It’s got me looking at other contest websites. Contesthound might have annoying flashing banners but at least they don’t (correct me if I’m wrong) lead people on pointless hunts just to make a few extra bucks.
    I’m surprised more people aren’t as pissed off as I am.

  7. Conky says:

    That contest worked for me, I entered it long ago. Clicked on the website again, but didn’t show up. Weird.