June 4th, 2007

Enter to win a 3-night trip to Toronto for a Blue Jays game against the big, bad Yankees and hang out with a TSN personality. If you see A-Rod, do me a favour and punch him in the face for pulling that bush league play the other day. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: daily
Age: age of majority

Expires July 22, 2007
Join now and start earning money!

4 Responses to Win a trip to Toronto

  1. mary kennedy says:

    TSN would not accept my e-mail address as ligit.

  2. Terry Larose says:

    After I clicked submit, it stated, “this page cannot be displayed?”…does this mean it didn’t accept mine either??

  3. lone says:

    works for me

  4. Nenad says:

    works for me too