April 30th, 2007

Win a week in the Madeleine Islands. Forgive my geography, but have no idea where that is. Still, I’m entering!

Entry Frequency: daily
Open to: QC

Expires June 17, 2007
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2 Responses to Win a Trip to the Madeleine Islands

  1. Boo says:

    The Madeleine islands are in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The inhabitants are Quebecois, with only about 5% speaking English.

    I’m told by a friend who has visited there, that they are quaint but beautiful islands. Don’t go there is you want to spend your vacation at discos, taking in all kinds of nightlife. On the other hand, they are said to be a wonderful place to go and commune with nature and recharge your batteries.

    Hope that helps!


  2. Mich says:

    aka: The Magdalene Islands…. they are a sandbar of paradise in the middle of the Canadian Gulf