April 4th, 2007

My idea of home renovation is vacuuming the living room on the weekend, but for those who are a bit more ambitious, here’s a fantastic chance to bankroll your next project. Make sure you go back daily!

Entry Frequency: daily

Expires June 30, 2007
Gear up with the best financial products in Canada & win a Mountain Of Prizes

105 Responses to Win a $25,000 Home Makeover from CIBC

  1. Valeria Smith says:

    I live in an old house. My husband and I worked very hard to fix it up, but with two children, work, part-time studding in a college it is not easy. My biggest concern is that my kitchen is not safe for my children. It was made in 1970s. Over 9 years I am praying to get an upgrade. It is not a pleasure to cook when all kitchen falling apart.

  2. MaryAnn says:

    My daughter is 13 year old visually impaired, A.C.C child and loves watching extreme make over home edition. She just squeals with delight and is so happy for those that need a new home. She wants me to write to extremehomemaker because she wants an addition to our home. She thinks we are deserving. It would be great to win and provide her a room on ground level and space for a proper study area. She is even willing to help paint and hammer. lol

  3. Rose McKay says:

    I live in a condo .The kitchen sure could use a makeover. New cupboards, new counter tops and full size appliances would be a dream!

  4. Joanne says:

    I moved in with my bachelor boyfriend 5 yrs ago and we got custody of his two boys who moved in 6 mths later. Now I am a step Mom who has re decorated most of the house. I have painted 11 rooms and tried to make this house a home. We really need a kitchen make over and it would be a lovely treat for me after all of my hard work. A few finishing touch ideas for the rest of the house would be great also. Please pick me. I love your work Sarah and have watched you for years.
    Thanks Joanne Hutchinson

  5. Sandra Brandt says:

    My husband built our home in 1977. In April, we celebrated our 30th anniversary in this house. Over the years, we have done minor renovations; nothing huge. Out three sons are grown and gone, and we are now looking to make some changes. I have much respect for Sarah Richardson’s talent, and it would be a dream come true to have her design a new kitchen for us.

  6. Denise & Daric Hasen says:

    I watch and love the designers on HFTV. I have been wanting a kitchenn renovation for the last 5 plus years but I trult need help with a designer because I have a stair case in the middle of the room, separtating the kitchen and dinner room – I hate that. I know that designgers can think out side the box – I so need their help. i use used all my create energy and I just don’t know to hanle or make this work. So, before I start this project. I dream of a designer from HTGV. Keep up the good work. Love ya! Boy do I sish I could see what they see.

  7. Gladys MacNeil says:

    my house has no landscaping at all. A couple of patio stones make the walkway to the front door. I try to add a plant here and there, however

    a front yard makeove sure would be great

  8. Silvia Schiavone says:

    I have been mesmerized by designing shows since I can remember and would love to have my livingroom or kitchen re-decorated. I have a six and four year old(really cute) but they have completely taken over my house. Right now my livingroom is one large and long, open space which my children run, jump and race around. I have so many ideas but I don’t even know where to begin and can’t make a decision. I have Home Depot painting curtains up for the past two years because I haven’t had a chance to go shopping. My husband is really tired of rolling and unrolling them each day. Desperate not in Seattle but Thunder Bay.

  9. Ann Worth says:

    I wish all contestants good luck on winning the 25,000 cash.After spending the last 14 years in our cold, damp, leaky ,mold infested makeshift sunroom,I’m so pumped about winning I can envision our new space as a reality.With the drier weather on our doorstep,there is nothing more enjoyable than sitting in the porch with the breeze blowing through,the bees wasps, flies and other bugs passing through and just basking in the warm outdoorish environment.To be able to enjoy a space so enviting all year round is just magical.Please don’t dash my temporary euphoria. I have to win.

  10. Casey Vanschie says:

    I would love to have Sarah Richardson’s help remodeling our home so I have more storage space and another room for guests.

  11. elaine says:

    Winning $25,000 in Home Makeover would be such a blessing. My husband and i just became first time home buyers and our move in day will actually be June 30th 2007:)!!! The house that we bought is 30 yrs old and it definitely needs alot of renovation and we’ll also be needing a new hot water tank since it’s 30 yrs old.

    We’re so excited and can’t wait to go in and paint our new place and just make it our own.Our dream is to also do some renovation to it and basically freshen it up. Words can’t even describe if we win this much money.We can only hope and good luck to everyone that’s registered.

  12. deborah morgan says:

    I would be absolutely forever grateful for a home makeover. I am single, living in Whitby and there are many things I would love to do to my home, but finances always get in the way. I know I’m not the first to admit to this and won’t be last! I just want to thank you for the opportunity to enroll in your contest.

  13. Kim says:

    We just bought a 30+year old bungalow. We want to open the kitchen to the dining/living room but aren’t sure how to lay it all out. The kitchen is small with really old floor, cupboards and counter top. It’s also a horrible green/yellow colour!

  14. My master Bath has pink fixtures which I would like to change to white and glam it up a bit.

  15. J.M.Dixon says:

    Our bathroom is slightly newer than the old outhouses. It is also about as big. We want to knock out a wall and expand it to a reasonable size. I have been looking in magazines and TV shows from all over for about 7 years and not one of them has ever done a renovation in a bathroom as small as ours. So that is why we want to knock out the wall.
    This contest, if we win, would make that happen.
    Thanks, my fingers, toes and eyes are crossed.

  16. Heather Cook says:

    I would really love to win the contest, and be able to redo, my very dated and rundown kitchen, as I have just had a baby.I take alot of pride in owning my own condo, and renovating the kitchen would be the finishing touch.

  17. Kim says:

    My basement could use a makeover! It is a small bungalow and the partially finished rec room looks more like a dark and dingy bowling alley (very long and narrow). We want to take out a wall and open it up so that our large family of 4 teenagers/young adults have somewhere to watch tv instead of our little living room. Right now we can’t use the basement as it is full of boxes from our recent move into this smaller/more affordable house. It has great potential but needs a plan of attack. We have recently installed a gas furnace to replace the baseboard heat and would love to have a new fireplace downstairs with a laundry area, 2nd bathroom (very much needed) and a fourth bedroom to fit all of our kids when they are home from University! We really need to win this contest!:)

  18. Domenica says:

    Having my two children has kept me home and introduced me to HGTV. I got hooked so fast and am a huge fan of designerguys, Sarah Richardson, Chris and Steven. They have the amazing ability to change ordinary to creatively extraordinary.
    My house is BLAH BLAH BLAH BOOOORINGGGGGG. I have nice bones but nothing in it. Because I am home we don’t have the extra income anymore to go out and spend on decorating and nice furniture. I’m sure there are many people in my shoes. This would be fantastic but a little too good to be true. I have a better chance getting struck by lightning.

  19. Aries says:

    I love watching HGTV, and have banked with CIBC for many, many years so, when this contest came up, I was in! With two teen-age kids and a husband who’s had a stroke, seizures, and is now on a disability and can no longer keep up with this house, physically or finacially, it would be just great to win. Good luck to everyone!

  20. uzma says:

    We are buying our 1st house ever and it needs a lot of work ,after making the downpayments we wont have any money left over to do the renovations that are so desperatly needed .It would be fantastic if we were picked .

  21. leslie marchant says:

    I am a huge fan of Sarah Richardson! Love her!
    My husband has recently suffered a stroke, and he is unable to work. I try to keep up with the small repairs around the house. i.e. replacing front doors and bathroom floors, but am unable to do the big stuff. If I won I would have our unfinished basement, finished, so that we might take in a boarder, to offset the one family income, that we now face.

  22. Cindy Gray says:

    My husband, 3 children and myself love our home. It is truly a home, not just a house. However, it is falling apart around us (literally). Ceilings, walls, cupboards, and wiring are all a disaster. The kids get slivers from the floors. We are overwhelmed and desperate for help!

  23. Barbara Joy says:

    My Husband and two children are living in a home built in 1903, it is an Edwardian Bungalow, and we adore it. We have invested our all in it, but, our home still needs much LOVE. This win could set us free from our obsession. Possibly open the door for the Bed and Breakfast we had hoped to run.

  24. Korinne says:

    The tv series “Sarah’s House” ended last night. I hope there is another tired and dated house out there that Sarah will buy and renovate. I really looked foward to each week’s episode, to see how she was going to put her magic in each room. It was a great series, and I would happily tune in to see more!

  25. Phyllis McMillan-Totten says:

    At the ancient age( in body only ),of 77,I am no longer able to do all the great home renovations I used to do. My husband and I relocated 5 years ago, from a brand new home, to a home that is about 40 years. The updating is way beyond my abilities now. We moved to help out family, it was a good move that way,but not housewise. A bedroom wall has had to be knocked out, to house my furniture.The walls have not been finished nor the floors. I have been pulling out the old carpet little by little,and cannot do it again. I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. leonard says:

    would like win something

  27. elisabeth rabe says:

    My 23 year old son just purchased a very run down century home for his first home. It needs extensive repair and due to the fact that his down payment used his savings, this will take him a long time a lot of hard work. This prize would make a super!!!!! birthday gift from me.

  28. jasmine says:

    I bought a house in 2000. my kitchen is original-like 43 years old. i would really love to have it redone as the cupboards are really stained and old. i sincerely hope i win. i had a few estimates but it’s really expensive, couldn’t come up with the cash.

  29. Barb says:

    My husband and I are currently searching for an older bungalow in an established neighborhood. All the homes we are interested in are in desperate need of a kitchen makeover. The 70’s era was nice, but we would like to have an open, modern feel in an older home. We could use some assistance in making our new purchase even better!

  30. zdenka protrka says:

    I would like to win this contest and use money to do new bathroom and finished a loundry room. I would like to talk with some professionals about disayn and get some help how to decorate a house.

  31. Betty Gregory says:

    My husband and I bought our house in January 2007 and need some help to make it our comfortable home. The flooring is especially bad with cheap carpeting and tile. We purchased the house because it has a beautiful view of the mountains and lake but need help to make it our dream home.

  32. Lauren says:

    We have been clients of the CIBC for nearly 20 years, my office is in “La Tour CIBC”, what can I say CIBC “C”an “I”ndeed “B”e “C”hoosing “US” for this amazing HOME-MAKEOVER Renovation Contest. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!

  33. Scott says:

    my house is a 5oo ft disater there no room for any storage, and me and my WIFE are students. i am attending durham college and she is attending york university. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

  34. nisha says:

    well…. i am pretty anxious to know the results..i mean who wouldnt want a makeover!!!!

  35. My hubby cannot fix our 40’s house cause he is not only disabled & gets tired quickly but we can’t afford tools either.we are in our 50’s & 60’s with arthritis so I would have people do this for us.I know nothing about repairs & decorating is a challenge.We need help.Hope we win.

  36. Kim says:

    pick me, pick me, pick me!
    4 children, 3 in University/College, every room could use an update but no money! A new kitchen would be a godsend!

  37. Sarah says:

    My mom’s kitchen is in need of a makeover. The people we bought the house from were wall paper crazy, so there is three kinds of wall paper (which we hate). Also, the cabinets are old and dark colored, the tile is chipping, and there are some ugly banisters separating the kitchen from the family room.
    Seeing the kitchen is the center of our house, and with 4 children running around, we could also use alot of organization!
    I really hope I win for my mom’s sake!

  38. Thera says:

    HI, not sure if this contest is closed, My mothers home is in very poor condition with only 1 bedroom, so it makes spending time with her very hard. She has been wanting and needing a home makeover for some time. My mom is the most deserving person I know who has given me everything and the strength I needed when my infant son and I had to leave an abusive relationship. I have no idea how I could ever repay her for EVERYTHING she has done for me….I hope her dream of having a home makeover will come true….

  39. Jan Law says:

    Expires June 30, 2007

    CIBC is delighted to announce the winners of the CIBC $25,000 Designer Home Makeover Contest.

    Grand Prize Winner:

    Carolina Ayala from Ottawa, Ontario wins $25,000 cash and a home renovation consultation ………

  40. CHRISTA says:

    just like to have money to redue my old farm house to move in to it.

  41. Danika Hamilton says:

    I would like to win because I only have a I bedroom home & I have a 12year old plus 6month old baby and I just found out that I am expecting again with possible twins. In a very desperate need of a home make over thanks for listening

  42. Mercydes Stupnikoff says:

    If The Contest Is Still On:
    It would be great to win the 25,000 so I could help my parent creat their dream home.

  43. amanda greci says:

    my house is all finish, but in my basment i would like a kichen done because i live in the basment and i have a 2 week old son, and its hard for me too go up and down the stairs to ge things. i would love to have a kitchen done, i would do it myself or pay someone too but have no money. i dont even have money for diapers. thank you and i hope my dream of changing that will come true.

  44. brigitte says:

    We just purchased a house which we absolutely love, we have been painting and painting and working very hard to make it ours, we both work full time and our time and finances are very limited, my 2 favourite places in the house are in need of renovations, unfortunately they are big projects and at this time we are limited, winning the home makeover would be a blessing in disguise!!

  45. Anita says:

    hello, we bought our house 3 and half years ago its 40 years old house . my family roomy rooms fairplace doesnt work and its broken winter time its freezing down there cause cold air comes through the fireplace, my kitchen is 40 years old my kabnets,sink,and the floors are really in bad condetion i have 2 kids and been married to my husband for 6 years never had a honeymoon and my husband works 6 days a week but we have very low income so we cant afford anything to do around the house ,we’re also in deep *DEPT* . we have a bad leak downstaries in the basment and during winter which is we r getting there soon we freez in the house cause of the fireplace that brings in the cold air and i would appreciate it i would have the chance to win this gift i really need it to fix up the things that needs to be fixed in the house ,winning the home makeover would be a blessing to me and my family please help us!!!!!!! we really need this thank you and god bless you

    Anita & family

  46. jane says:

    we have 84 year old house and the roof is breaking down and we need a total makeover!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope we win

  47. YVONNE. says:

    97. hi i have a cando it is very old but have a lot of potental. please to have a functional kitchen and bathroom hope i win?????????????????????

  48. Ira Eyermann says:

    Hi, It reminds me a joke i’ve heard some days ago. As the moral is simply the same! =) A dude in his forties bought a brand-new Audi and was initially out on the interstate for a wonderful night drive. The top was initially down, a breeze was swaying via what was left of his wild hair and man chose to open her up. Since the needle jumped as much as eighty mph, he eventually noticed flashing crimson and blue lighting behind him. “There’s not a way they could capture that auto!,” he thought to himself and opened it up even more. The needle come to 90, hundred…. Then the fact of the problem strike him. “What a heck ‘m I doing?” he said and pulled over. The cop came up to him, took his license without any word and examined it and the car. “It is happen to be a long evening, this is the end of my shift and it is Friday the 13th. I do not really feel like far more paperwork, therefore if you possibly can give me an reason for your driving which I have not heard earlier, you can go.” The guy thinks about for a second and claims, “Last week my wife ran away with a cop. I was afraid you was trying to give her back.” “Have a wonderful weekend,” said the police officer.

  49. Patrick says:

    Hi I don’t own a home that i rent where i live in it almost 25 years. The house i live with my brother is falling apart like the cracks in the foundation and the stairs to my backyard are old and rusting away and the ease dropping is falling down and inside the roof has some cracks and some come back. When it rains it leaks in the garage cause sewer over flow this house was back in 1950’s 0r 60s. If the city could comdem this house that i have no where to go that’s why just trying keep this house safe. It’s hard see Ive gone to a better place like my mom did years ago.

  50. Ruby Krikwen says:

    Finally, I found the information I was searching for. I have been doing research on this subject, and for three days I keep entering web-sites that are supposed to have what I’m searching for, only to be discouraged with the lack of what I had to have. I wish I could have located your website quicker! I had about 25% of what I was looking for and your web-site has that, and the rest of what I had to have to finish my research. Thank you and I will report back on how it goes!

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