April 3rd, 2007

Here’s a good mystery to keep you busy for a few hours. There have been comments in the forums suggesting that we stop listing book contests, so if you’re passionate about it one way or the other, make sure you drop by and let us know your opinion.

Entry Frequency: single

Expires April 26, 2007
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9 Responses to Win 1 of 10 Copies of “The Alpine Recluse” by Mary Daheim

  1. marty says:

    I’ll take a good book over a movie any day.

  2. Wyatt says:

    I don’t mind entering for big book collections, but single books will end up sitting around my house or sold on eBay. I can also go rent these books at the library anyways.

  3. Olga Purgavie says:

    I like book contests, and I find your chances of winning probably better than a lot of other contests.

    As an avid reader, I would welcome winning some books.

  4. Linda Fast says:

    Please keep on posting book contests. These are my favourite contests to enter.

  5. Jan Law says:

    There is nothing like a good book….keep listing the contests.

  6. Donna Rinas says:

    Hi! Well, I say, if people don’t want to enter book contests, then don’t. I like to get the odd new book in the mail, my way of possibly finding a new author I like to read. Please keep up the good work. Your site is great! *S* Wishing all a lovely Easter!

  7. mskeen says:

    Thanks Donna! Happy Easter to you too!

  8. Gloria says:

    I like books–especially free ones

  9. Heather Bush says:

    although I seldom enter contests about/for books, I would politely suggest that others enjoy these competitions and it would be unfair to exclude them. I think this site is wonderful, and such a huge help to folk like myself who enjoy entering these competions and dreaming about winning something they want. taht I think is the key, I only ever enter a contest if I want or need the prize – otherwise, why possibly deprive someone of it who would truly enjoy it more than I