July 28th, 2008

Enter this contest for a chance to win 1 of 4 prizes, including a $75 Hanes Bali Bra gift card, a Jamieson Natural Sources gift basket, a Reader’s Digest book package, or a Spotted Zebra Spa gift package. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: single
Age: age of majority

Expires September 4, 2008
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3 Responses to Win a prize from Best Health

  1. paulina says:

    i can’t get a successful submission. is anyone else having problems? the error message states that i haven’t entred a best health tip…but the entry page doesn’t ask for one. bad contest page designing i think.

  2. Olga says:

    Yes, Paulina, I am having the same problem. Either they have not fixed the software from a previous contest, or they forgot to put a place for the health tip.

  3. Mary Ann says:

    I am getting the same problem…. Guess it wasn’t meant to be!

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