December 31st, 2014

Quebec or New Brunswick residents can enter for a chance to win one of two RESPs valued at up to $10,000 (the child designated as beneficiary must be under 10 years old) or one of 12 iPad Minis. Good luck!

Entry Frequency: single
Open to: QC, NB

Expires December 1, 2015
Gear up with the best financial products in Canada & win a Mountain Of Prizes

5 Responses to Win a $10,000 RESP or an iPad Mini

  1. Please????please????please????pick me????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  2. Ashley says:

    Please…. What a great education fund for my kids 🙂

  3. Blaire says:


  4. Jaskarn says:

    this would be perfect for my son because he needs it for his school. we also have financial issues and he is really sad that I can’t buy it for him. so I wish with great hope you pick me.

  5. Gurbakash says:

    That is a really good comment because if I had financial issues I would get my things for free like Jaskaran. so I think he should win it. That family with that son would be really proud.