January 28th, 2014

Submit a video or essay about how to make the world a better place by bringing people together from different cultures, backgrounds, or beliefs for a chance to win a trip to Jerusalem (airfare, accommodations) and $2500. Good luck!

Entry Frequency: single

Essay required

Expires March 2, 2014

4 Responses to Win a Trip to Jerusalem and $2500 Cash

  1. Jocelyne Dubord says:

    A single global culture would definitely result in a better world as it will bring about unity and brotherhood among the people of the world. Conflicts and disputes in the society rising in the name of religion would tremendously decrease. In fact a sense of humanity among the people of the world will increase which will lead to a rise in development and will ultimately make the world a better place to live. Furthermore, a single global culture would make things more uniform and cause less disagreement. Many of the wars that have been spawned throughout history have arisen over cultural differences where, due to a particular disagreement, one side tried to wipe out the other. For example, in American history, slavery was one of the major disagreements and driving factors that led us to war; if we had a common culture with a common belief system, these types of wars would be avoided.

  2. Mike says:

    That’s a great entry, Jocelyne, but please make sure you submit it to the Facebook page in the link above.

  3. Jake says:

    I think the only problem with making the world one religion or one culture would be that what’s the point? Not everybody would want to follow the same principles and what would u do if someone didn’t follow it? You can’t just arrest them for not believing in begat you believe or following the laws that have been set for the whole world. I like the way the world is now, different cultures is what makes this world exciting and fun, if everything was the same, why would I want to travel? And bring led by one leader throughout the world could be good and could be bad, depending who’s running the show. Personally I wouldn’t change the world, but I would try to make a difference by giving people a choice on who they want to follow. That’s what God did for us and I’m sure he wants everyone else to have free will as well.

  4. Marc Gingras says:

    I would luv to visit the Holy Land

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