November 22nd, 2012

Enter here for a chance to win a $5000 Future Shop gift card and a Wii U Deluxe Set video game system. The Wii U is the hot new toy on the electronics scene. Hopefully the scene will be short and quick and we can move on to the next thing. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: single
Not open to: QC
Age: 13+

Expires December 16, 2012

4 Responses to Win a Future Shop Entertainment Package

  1. Frances says:

    Love the easy entries

  2. Good class in staff and service! Amazing contests happy holidays to all!!

  3. steve callahan says:

    you got to be kidding , i love this store . . love to win this prize . thank u

  4. Brittany Dryfhout says:

    This would be an amazing prize. Can’t wait to see who wins.