April 8th, 2007

Congrats to Clark’s Beans on it’s 100th anniversary. They’re doing up their centennial right – giving $10,000 in travel to one lucky winner.

Entry Frequency: unlimited

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Expires November 30, 2007
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7 Responses to Win $10,000 from Clark Beans

  1. DAN WHALEN says:

    Great beans!!!!!! I’ve been eating them for over 50 years.Thanks for a great product.

  2. F MARTIN says:

    Good beans have been eating them 40 years camping

  3. Enjoyed your beans since I’ve been a kid, nothing like them and they are terrific with weiners.

  4. seward currie says:

    what can i say, you make great beans.

  5. joan andrews says:

    I have loved Clarks beans in tomato sauce ever since I was a small child.
    The church guild I belong to regularly has “bean suppers” as a fund raiser.
    We are required to make homemade beans.
    None are as good as Clarks beans in tomato sauce as far as I am concerned.
    Can you tell me why we go through all the trouble making these beans when we can have Clarks?

  6. hi
    just wanted to say your beans are our favorite especilty on saturday evening after a busy day .
    we love them with homemade bread and mustard pickles

  7. fortunat leblanc says:

    vous faite les meilleurs feves au lard du monde. you does the best beans in the worl.

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