July 17th, 2011

Enter here daily for a chance to win your choice of a $500 Walmart, SportCheck, Toys R Us, or Home Depot gift card. In order of preference I’d go with Toys R Us first, SportCheck next, then Walmart, and lastly Home Depot. That’s right, I prefer toys first, then sports clothes, then household items, and lastly whatever they sell at Home Depot. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: daily
Age: age of majority

Expires September 12, 2011

12 Responses to Win a $500 Gift Card

  1. Gerry says:

    UPC works, 083188454908

  2. Jim says:

    hey how about that I was informed that I won a secondary prize of $50 worth on nexcare products. good thing as I am accident prone

  3. SusanB says:

    Congrats Jim!

  4. Mike says:

    @Jim – congrats!

  5. artman says:

    Congrats on the win, Jim.

  6. Jane says:

    Hurrah for you!

  7. Jane says:

    Actually gives me an incentive to not give up on contests just because I didn’t win anything the first time around.

  8. spacetruckin says:

    congrats jim

  9. SusanB says:

    Don’t give up! Can’t find the contest, but I just won $1000 from Cabella’s 🙂

  10. spacetruckin says:

    woohoo won secondary prize of 50$ in nexcare products on Aug.26.

  11. eileen woods says:

    I think I’d go for the walmart card. Could be fun!

  12. eileen woods says:

    I thinkn I’d go for the walmart card. Could be fun!