January 26th, 2011

Sign up for this contest newsletter for a chance to win a $500 Chapters Indigo gift card. I know all you bookworms out there would be thrilled to win this, but not me. My eyes fall asleep whenever I try to read a book. I bet I had some weird traumatic book-related experience as a kid which continues to harm me in my adult life. Yeah, let’s go with that. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: single

Expires September 30, 2011
Join now and start earning money!

5 Responses to Win a Chapters Indigo Gift Card

  1. deb says:

    reading is a good pasttime

  2. Sherri Dickey says:

    I`m best friends with my books.We go evrywhere together.

  3. debbiewbd says:

    I prefer audio books. It’s like being read a bedtime story.

  4. thomas rusinak, Sr. says:


  5. Linda Saslove says:

    Love this store.