December 25th, 2010

Enter here for a chance to win a 4-night trip for 2 to Texas. They do things real big in Texas. Real big. Merry Christmas and Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: single
Not open to: QC
Age: age of majority

Expires January 14, 2011

12 Responses to Win a trip to Texas

  1. anon says:

    Twas the night before Christmas
    and all through the house
    the only critter stirring was me
    and not even the mouse

    The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
    filled to the brim with prize winnings fair
    the children were nestled all snugs in their beds
    while visions of what mommy would win danced in their heads

    And me in my jamas and on the laptop
    i had settled down to do those last minute contest top ups
    when out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
    i sprung from my chair to see what was the matter

    Away to the window i flew like a flash
    tore open the shutters and threw up the sash
    what to my wondering eyes did appear
    a miniature sleigh and 8 reindeer

    The driver of course had to be St. Nick
    cause he looked at me and winked
    said, “go to bed girl, contests can wait
    next year will be many more you can partake”

    Go get some rest, take it easy on your hands
    dream of assorted goodies and exotic lands
    from monthlies, to weeklies, dailies and more
    but remember…you can’t win them all

    But know that you can’t win if you don’t enter
    work at it hard and you will be a mentor
    to help others to win as you will too
    Merry Christmas to you and all contesters afoot!”

  2. Guy says:

    the answer is 17 museums and 40 minute drive

  3. Katydidit says:

    Thanks Guy!

  4. laurel says:

    i found where it said 18 so now i am not sure what to put

  5. laurel says:

    well i see they say 17 so that is what i will put but on the search it says 18

  6. rob says:

    awesome poem anon! thanks for posting and for the holiday wishes to our group! 😉

  7. kat says:

    yeah agree with rob! very cool are very talented! merry christmas to you too!

  8. verna gordon says:

    we must be all wishing]]

  9. Jenn says:

    I live in ‘Little Texas’ a.k.a. ‘Calgary’ and would love to explore the real deal…great article Dreamscapes!!!

  10. sharon says:

    great poem anon! thanks very much for wishing us the best for the new year and all the best to you too..HEY the rest of comments on this very creative poem written for this group by a thoughtful person?..geez..where is your generosity of spirit anyways!!? would it hurt to pay a compliment already! sheesh….

  11. Suzanneab says:

    I think the correct answer is 18.

  12. acadiejd says:

    I was away, and am only now catching up. Anon – thank you so much for the Christmas cheer, in poetry form. You’re very creative! Happy New Year!
    To all who post answers – thank you, thank you, thank you!