October 1st, 2010

Submit a party tip here for a chance to win a GE Profile Range. It’s self-cleaning, so go ahead and throw anything you want at it. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: single

Trivia/Product question response required

Expires October 6, 2010

3 Responses to Win a GE Range

  1. andrea button says:

    My best party tip is to make sure you buy enough food so everyone who comes leave with a full and happy party tummy.

  2. Barb Milne says:

    Half of my stove doesn’t work.

  3. Joan Kirsch says:

    Try to have yourself, your home, refreshments and menu prepared half an hour before your guests are to arrive so that you have time to sit down, relax and go over your check list. Then, if you have missed something, you still have time to complete the list.