October 13th, 2009

Enter here for a chance to win a sports getaway including 4 tickets to a hockey game, limousine service to and from the game, and spending money. You gotta get one of those foam fingers to cheer on your team. Just don’t try to eat french fries with it on. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: daily
Not open to: QC
Age: age of majority

Expires December 9, 2009

11 Responses to Win a Sports Getaway

  1. Suzette says:

    Wagon Wheels UPC 063348168412

  2. polymathist says:

    Thanks Suzette!

  3. Deandra says:

    Do you know if you need to have a different UPC code for each day you enter?

  4. Dave Schultz says:

    What is so “Nice” about it – I already

    have 5 UPC Codes!!! HA HA HA

  5. Michael says:

    argh – it keeps sending me back to step one after I do the page where you put in the UPC and let them know which limited edition flavour you would buy 🙁

  6. SusanB says:

    Worked for me!

  7. Marlene says:

    Thanks for the UPC Suzette

  8. @ michael: me too:( how do I complete stage 1? thanks

  9. Jeri says:

    Thanks so much Suzette!

  10. susan k. says:

    thanks suzette for the upc….you are a real sweetie!!