July 25th, 2012

Register with Wannawin for a chance to win an iPad 3. Good luck!

Entry Frequency: single

Expires November 1, 2012

5 Responses to Win an iPad 3

  1. verna gordon says:

    would like to own one

  2. Kat Harper says:

    My husband has been dying for an ipad. We said we would get him one after he finished his degree but we ended up getting married so all of our money went to that!!! This would make his year!!!

  3. ive had the WORST luck this year, so winning something especially an ipad that i cant afford would bring some positivity to the future.

  4. Jake says:

    Looks like it’s only for new registrants to the site. How do you bypass the registration screen?

  5. Jim says:

    No idea it seems the login screen doesn’t exist anymore