June 19th, 2012

Enter here each week for a chance to win a 1-year supply of Cottonelle products. It’s not glamourous but it is something every one of us will use. It’ll save you a few dollars when you stock up at Costco. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: weekly
Not open to: QC
Age: 18+

Expires February 25, 2013
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4 Responses to Win a 1-year supply of Cottonelle Products

  1. steve says:

    we can all use this product .

  2. Greetings!!!

    I have had this idea for like ten years now….. Why can’t I have the product I want in my own bathroom…… the Cottonelle wet wipe dispenser would be the perfect accompnient to Cottonelle toilet tissue….. I Have thought to pitch this tidea long ago.. but wasn’t sure now , where to go with it… It would come in designer colours, and you could choose one to match your own decor……..in it’s own dispensing unit, right below your toilet roll!!
    One touch,. and you have a Cottonelle wet wipe, to complete that, “oh so fresh feeling”..withouth
    I alrea dy use them.. Now.. I would like to see my handy one touch Cottonelle wetwipe dispenser at my fingertips,, in my own bathroom.. Wouldn’t you???!
    Please Email me if you would like to know more!!! As I have many ideas that would make this product simply irresistable!!!

  3. I do appologize for the above spelling errors.. moving, and that is always exhausting.. but I hope that you will ge the general idea.. it is an actual dispenser.. not a portable one, that would be permently affixed, the same way your toilet roll is…………. it will come in decorator colors to match your bathroom decor, and would dispence with just one touch of a button, unlike the portable ones………. Do ya love it??? Yeh!!! It’s About time!!!

  4. Gloria VanMackelberg says:

    Cottonelle–the best tissue for personal care
    It does a great job & without a t-e-a-r
    I waited SO LONG to finally see
    A fantastic “wipe” thats so purr-fect for me!!