May 25th, 2012

Giveaway Scoop and Tracky have teamed up to give away a black or white (your choice) Apple iPad. Just sign up for Tracky and you’ll be eligible to win. Good luck!

Entry Frequency: single

Expires June 6, 2012

3 Responses to Win an Apple iPad

  1. HarjitCh says:

    I would lovee to win this iPad! It would make life so much more wonderful..I would be able to look up recipes for dinner, ideas for baking, read the news, catch up on celebrity buzz, look up the weather, my emails, send out tweets, listen to music, watch youtube and netflix and so much much more

  2. steve says:

    love to own one

  3. i eat apples says:

    So, HarjitCh, your saying that your current pc does not do all those things and more? Any device with a web browser is able to do those things, I mean, my samsung phone has all of those capabilities. If I won, I would just sell this thing on ebay. Good way to make a few extra dollars.