try small things

Boxes, books and other small things for homebodies

I’m obsessed with these balls + A giveaway!

Bounce energy balls Ottawa farmer's market 4

Some things can’t be rushed: A good stew. A moonlit walk. A Sunday trip to the farmer’s market. Especially when the farmer’s market is next to a fantastic park and all kinds of shops like ours at Lansdowne. And since I know when we go we’ll be out for a while, I like to carry a few snacks in my bag to ward off the hangry.ย 

Bounce energy balls cacao orange and coconut lemon 2

Whole Foods was sampling Bounce protein energy balls maybe six months ago and OMG they were so good! Chewy and not too sweet, and free of gluten, wheat, preservatives and GMO ingredients. I bought six or seven of them on the spot and later ordered a couple of cases online. (They’re much cheaper directly from the co.)

Bounce sent me one of their new sampler packs of all nine flavours to try, including their two new flavours, cacao orange and coconut lemon. There’s also peanut (my favourite), coco-berry (my second-fave), apple cinnamon, almond, coconut macadamia, cacao mint, and spirulina ginseng. They range from 160 to 200 calories and have 5 to 14 grams of protein.

Bounce energy balls pears

Bounce energy balls carrots and flowers

The coconut and lemon in the coconut lemon are equally balanced and neither overpowering nor too sweet. And the cacao orange would be right up there with my faves if not for the cacao nibs that cover it. I like the crunch and I know they’re good for you, but I find them bitter. But dark chocolate chips — those I could go for.

Bounce energy balls flowers

Bounce energy balls onions

Bounce energy balls carrots

Bounce energy balls onions 3

Bounce energy balls coconut lemon and cacao orange close up

Bounce just ran a 30% discount for its Facebookย fans, so watch for those and other specials from time to time. You’ll find Bounce balls at grocery and health food stores, as well as online.


To enter to win one of two Bounce sampler packs (there’s one of all nine flavours in each pack), tell me what flavour you’d most like to try in the comments below. (This is a mandatory entry.)

For an additional entry, follow try small things onย Facebookย and share this post, then tell me you did so and your name on Facebook in the comments below.

You may also tweet the following once per day and leave the url for your tweet in the comments below (one entry per tweet).

Don’t get hangry! Win a sampler pack of Bounce protein energy balls from @trysmallthings CAN 8/31 #grablife

The giveaway is open to Canadian residents (excluding Quebec) 18+ and ends at 11:59 p.m. EST on August 31, 2016.

Update September 2, 2016: Congratulations Nancy M. and Karla S.

Bounce sent me a sampler pack to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own.ย 

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