Holiday Reading List – Fiction

For my final trick – at least when it comes to books – this holiday season, I bring you a roundup of some of the best and buzziest fiction of the year. From literary picks to mainstream mainstays to offbeat indies to frothy chick lit, there’s something on this list for every avid reader on YOUR list. So read on, and read on! Friendship by Emily Gould Book Cover
Friendship by Emily Gould – $30
Perfect For:
Your niece that’s ready to graduate from YA novels.
Reminded Me Of: HBO’s hit TV series Girls.
What’s Up?: I compare this book to Girls – and I’m not alone – because it follows the lives of two young women living in New York City and teetering on the brink of adulthood, much like the characters on the HBO show. The main difference however, is this book is essentially about that last push into maturity: the proverbial wake up calls that make Bev and Amy – two seemingly different girls with a tight friendship borne after working at the same publishing house – face up to the end of their 20s. Bev is staring down an empty bank account, nursing a broken heart, and working temp jobs to make ends meet when a shocking revelation causes her to consider somewhat extreme measures of help in order to keep her head above water. Amy is a slightly more privileged girl, living in her own apartment with her gorgeous artist boyfriend, yet she’s still reeling after a major career setback landed her at a pointless, if fruitful, job that she hates – and hates even more when it threatens to put her in the spotlight. Together, the two girls must grapple with the fact they aren’t quite the carefree twentysomethings they were when they first bonded – as well as what they want from their lives going forward. The book is about friendship, yes, but it’s moreso about how friends come and go as your life shifts – the ultimate question being whether Amy and Bev’s friendship is worth holding onto. It’s a great read for any young woman that’s in a similar state to our heroines, or perhaps for those just looking for a genuine, insightful look at womanhood, friendship and not being able to have it all.

We Are Not Ourselves
We Are Not Ourselves by Matthew Thomas – $32
Perfect For: The family matriarch.
Reminded Me Of: A more accessible Jonathan Franzen or Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates.
What’s Up?: If you enjoy a good character study, then you’ll love this richly imagined family story, where the characters don’t just leap off the page – they practically occupy a place around your dinner table they’re so vividly drawn. The book follows first generation Irish-American Eileen Tumulty as she strives to elevate herself beyond her parents’ humble beginnings and her own harsh upbringing, in part by aligning herself with Ed Leary, an unexpected choice for a husband that essentially functions as an escape hatch for Eileen. However, Eileen and Ed’s path to the great American dream is ruptured by some actions I can’t speak of for fear of ruining the novel for you – but let’s just say the book essentially details the fallout that keeps Eileen from “the ineffable something she’d been chasing.” The book covers decades of Eileen’s life, starting with her childhood through to the new millennium, and while you do get to see her world through husband Ed and son Connell’s eyes, it’s really Eileen’s beating heart at the centre of this heartfelt, measured, insightful novel.

Shopaholic to the Stars Sophie Kinsella
Shopaholic to the Stars by Sophie Kinsella – $32

Perfect For: Your gal pals that have followed the misadventures of Becky Brandon (nee Bloomwood) over the past 13 (!) years.
Reminded Me Of: How much fun it’s been to follow one of fiction’s most enduring characters – Kinsella is basically the doyen of chick lit, so it’s hard to compare her work to anyone!
What’s Up?: As I was reading this book, the one thing I kept on mulling over was how much has changed since we were first introduced to Rebecca Bloomwood, a finance journalist with a serious shopping problem, back in 2001. Not only has Becky herself changed, but so has the world around her (which operates on a weird kind of suspended timeline) – from the technology that people use to the trendiest names and designers that Becky name drops. In this seventh installment in the wildly popular Shopaholic series, Becky has followed her husband Luke to Los Angeles, where he’s been contracted to rehab the image of Sage Seymour, a beautiful if tempestuous actress. Becky is immediately swept up in all the L.A. cliches – chasing fame, becoming image self-obsessed and attending a pseudo-rehab center called Golden Peace. More importantly, Becky has her sights set on becoming a Hollywood stylist; natural evolution for the former personal shopper. But as Becky gets caught up in a web of schemes and general fame gaming, she fails to notice how the relationships in her life are being compromised by her Tinseltown dreams. Surprisingly, this book isn’t really about shopping. You’ll see little flourishes of Becky splashing out on things (notably at the rehab center gift shop, where she’s trying to treat her shopping addiction) but the story is really more about a larger, and far less flattering / fun aspect of Becky’s personality that ultimately feeds her shopping habits: an extreme case of self-centeredness. This isn’t exactly a new road to take everyone’s favourite Shopaholic down – we all knew she was a tad self-involved – but it is the front and center focus of this entry into the series, which leaves things in such a state of upheaval, it’s almost a slight condemnation of Becky’s behaviour throughout the entire series. It’s not all bad though. Becky means well, and Kinsella manages to make her plenty sympathetic despite digging a very large hole for herself – and certainly opens up the possibility of redemption for Becky once and for all. Might the conclusion of the series be on the horizon?

Adult Onset
Adult Onset by Ann-Marie MacDonald – $32
Perfect For:
All the stay-at-home parents out there that wouldn’t mind someone that ‘gets’ it.
Reminded Me Of: Fellow Canadian author Margaret Laurence’s time-shifting narratives.
What’s Up?: Spending seven days more or less in a single household, through the eyes of a semi-retired stay-at-home mother and young adult author may sound like a relatively bland premise for a book – but I assure you, there’s plenty of subtle dynamics at play, just as there would be in real life, in this tense, emotion-ridden story. Our heroine is Mary-Rose, aka MR, aka Mister, who is missing her partner Hilary, a talented creative type in her own right that’s off being a breadwinner by directing a play in Calgary. MR meanwhile, is slowly but surely unraveling, as are the people around her it might seem. Her mother is grappling with an extreme bout of forgetfulness that seems to be a little more serious than ‘old age’. Her father suddenly seems impossible to communicate with as MR struggles with drafting a simple, innocuous email to him over the course of the novel. And her brother, rather than being a resource during this oddly bleak and lonely time, is instead offloading his problems onto an already at-capacity MR (who’s also dealing with some recurring physical side effects from a shadowy childhood condition). Like most of MacDonald’s works, this is a family story. Although it’s a little less sprawling than her other books (including the Oprah-praised Fall On Your Knees) owing to its somewhat singular setting and short timeline, the story often shuffles into the distant past, touching on her mother’s miscarriages and MR’s own namesake. In other words, while it’s a slight departure from MacDonald’s other novels, fans of the author will once again be entertained through and through.

Rainbow Rowell LandlineLandline by Rainbow Rowell – $28.99
Perfect For:
Anyone in the throes of marriage and family life.
Reminded Me Of: Pretty much any story with some kind of ‘time travel’ element – Back to the Future, A Christmas Carol, you name it.
What’s Up?: After spending the past year wowing the young adult crowd, Rainbow Rowell has hopped back into the world of adult fiction with her latest novel on marriage, family and relationships, Landline. Georgie McCool is living something of a dream life – she’s got an amazingly creative and loving husband, two adorable daughters, a primo job writing for a comedy show, and the chance to finally live out her lifelong goal of becoming a showrunner of her own comedy. Of course, life isn’t as flawless as it seems, as Georgie reluctantly parts ways with her husband over the holidays owing to a work conflict, and then begins to question – is he leaving her? What part of her life is really the dream worth fighting for? In a panic, Georgie tries to get in touch with her husband, Neal, using the old landline in her childhood bedroom. Only when she does, she isn’t speaking with her married-for-a-decade hubby. She’s talking to Neal before they were married, during a tumultuous week in their relationship right before the holidays that almost ended them before they began. As Georgie reflects on the stepping stones that led to this particular series of moments in her relationship with Neal, she begins to worry – will talking to a past version of her husband erase her beloved, if challenging, present? Let me assure you, while there is something of an unexplained sci-fi-esque element in this book, I’d hardly say it disrupts the flow of the book, which is really a study on commitment and monogamy more than anything. It’s an incredibly insightful read that’s equal parts heartbreaking and heartwarming (like all of Rowell’s work) and will have you sighing in agreement, and smiling at the 90s references!

The Paying Guests by Sarah WatersThe Paying Guests by Sarah Waters – $34
Perfect For: The historian in your household.
Reminded Me Of: The surprising levels of drama in programs like Downton Abbey.
What’s Up?: In a nutshell, this book is a portrait of life after the first World War. As you’re likely familiar, the wars opened up opportunities for women – particularly with WW2, but even in WW1, women were suddenly looked at as valuable members of society…that is, until the men returned and put them back in their ‘rightful’ places. Such is the case with Frances Wray, a debutante of sorts approaching spinsterhood (in part because she’s actually a lesbian) and living with her mom. After her deceased father’s mismanagement of the family funds, Frances and her mother have been humiliated into taking ‘paying guests’ in the large home that is their last valuable possession. Their boarders are a young, modern couple named Lillian and Leonard Barber, their marriage fraught and their presence in the manor uncomfortably felt. I don’t want to sayĀ tooĀ much more from there – and that’s truly the tricky part of reviewing fiction – but in short, this book is shockingly gripping. If you thought historical fiction was a snooze, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at what a riveting page-turner this one is as Waters turns the screws in her characters (and in the reader). And if you live for the detail of superbly written historical fiction, well then, Waters is practically in a league of her own.

leaving time
Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult – $30
Perfect For:
Any fans of Picoult’s prolific writings, as well as those who love elephants.
Reminded Me Of: A famous movie that I can’t mention the name of for fear of ruining the book!
What’s Up?: Over the years, Jodi Picoult’s books have become less about sensationalist courtroom drama, and more about lovingly researched, incredibly thorough stories that tie into, well, a more sensationalist core drama. The story here surrounds Jenna, an industrious tween who lives with her grandmother after a mysterious and tragic evening at her parents’ former elephant reserve caused her father to have a mental break and her mother to vanish without a trace. Like most Picoult books, the story is told in four rotating perspectives. In the present, we have Jenna, who enlists the services of a washed-up psychic named Serenity and an alcoholic PI named Virgil, to determine once and for all what really went down that night. In the past however, we also get perspective from Jenna’s mother Alice, a scientist who studied elephants, with a niche focus on how they grieve. Honestly, if you love elephants you will fall in love with this story – so much of it is the detailed research and astonishing findings Picoult has uncovered (from others’ studies, to be clear) about elephants, their emotions, and their incredible social hierarchies. The present day drama, while compelling, admittedly didn’t have quite the same ethical conundrum draw for me that Picoult’s other books have presented, but the story still tugs at your heartstrings – particularly with a game-changing development late in the book.

All THe Light We Cannot SeeAll the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr – $32.50
Perfect For: That friend you love dissecting good books with.
Reminded Me Of: A smattering of other war-set novels such asĀ Life After Life and The Book Thief.
What’s Up?: This is that book that everyone I know that’s read it was all like you have to read this book. And I can’t say I disagree. The story follows the lives of two children / youths during the leadup to and actual World War II – Marie-Laure Leblanc, a blind girl who becomes part of the French resistance, and Werner Pfenning, an orphan who becomes part of the Hitler Youth. The story hops between the two youths, living in separate countries, growing up in very separate ways, and also skips back and forward through time. The titular ‘light’ refers to the invisible webs that connect many of us, and eventually link Marie and Werner’s stories together more directly. Hailed as one of the most beautiful, powerful books of the year, there are so many things to fall for here: the wondrous characterization, the brilliant narrative, the detailed historical setting, but it’s not just a ‘pretty’ book: it’s a thinker. War and cruelty are often the product of momentum – single voices being silenced when the masses are too sheepish to speak up as a whole. The question posed throughout this book is what is right – what we feel within, or what the masses are doing? Obviously the majority of us have pretty strong feelings in terms of the answer to that question, especially given the horrors of an event like WW2, but the book still makes you ponder it in far greater and more vivid detail than you’d probably ever thought imaginable.

Big Little LiesBig Little Lies by Liane Moriarty – $31
Perfect For:
Your gossipy sister.
Reminded Me Of:Ā A more eloquent, suburban Candace Bushnell and a more scintillating Emily Giffin, with a splash of Grace Metalious for good measure.
What’s Up?:Ā After blowing up the ‘chick lit’ world last year with the intelligent, engrossing The Husband’s Secret, everyone waited to see if Liane Moriarty could strike gold twice. The short answer is, yes! In her latest novel, Moriarty transports you to a cliquey beachy community, where the Mean Girls aren’t donning mini skirts and ruling court in high school, but wearing J Crew and picking up their kidsĀ from school. AKA: Parents behaving badly. With a vibrant and diverse cast of characters, it’s about all the secrets and lies we tell ourselves and each other just to kinda sorta get through the day. But Big Little Lies isn’t just a fluffy character study either. There is indeed a mystery at the heart of the book – one that is not only a whodunnit, but a whodunnitto? (i.e. the victim is as mysterious as the crime). It also touches on some of the hot button topics for today’s women (and moms) – like bullying and domestic abuse – elevating this would-be gossipy,Ā Desperate Housewives-esque tale into a real honest, snarky, heartfelt, riveting portrait of what happens behind closed doors and the ways it manifests itself in the public eye. A great pick for anyone interested in contemporary fiction.

The Bone Clocks
The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell – $34
Perfect For: Anyone that appreciates Ambitious with a Capital A storytelling.
Reminded Me Of: David Mitchell’s super famous book, Cloud Atlas.
What’s Up?:
Are you familiar with the TV show American Horror Story? The crossover may be obtuse, but let me explain. David Mitchell is the author of such ambitious works as his nesting doll of a book, Cloud Atlas. Recently, he has revealed that all of his books – while still enjoyable as standalone tomes – are actually part of one ‘uber’ book, or at least the same realm which he’s created. Thus the AHS comparison – each series is technically standalone, but they are all part of the same universe, thus delighting readers with plenty o’ Easter Eggs. So if you’re a David Mitchell fan to begin with, then yes, you’ll want to read this one too. And if you just want to read a really good, complex book, well then, you’ll also enjoy. Like with Cloud Atlas, the book consists of six novellas told from six different perspectives. However, the big difference here is those stories span just some sixty years (unlike the centuries found in Cloud Atlas) and are all connected by one major thread: the life of a girl named Holly Skyes. It’s a much more straightforward, surprisingly linear approach for Mitchell to take, as you dip in and out of Holly’s life from when she’s 15 and nursing a broken heart to when she’s in her 70s and living in a post-apocalyptic world. Of course, this being a David Mitchell book, things aren’t quite that straightforward. There some mystical threads running throughout the stories, including a fantastical war that plays at the edges of Holly’s otherwise ‘magical realism’ story. The great thing about a Mitchell book is that the sum is greater than the parts: even if every novella isn’t your cup of tea, you’ll certainly walk away appreciative of this author’s deft hand at spinning an intriguing yarn.

All My Puny Sorrows
All My Puny Sorrows by Miriam Toews – $29.95
Perfect For: Your closest friend in book club.
Reminded Me Of: D
What’s Up?: A book about suicide? You may think,Ā how depressing and put it back on the shelf. But anyone that’s read Canadian author Miriam Toews’ precisely written yet accessible novels will know there are many, many sides to any story and many ways to tell it. That’s not say All My Puny Sorrows is exactly a yukfest. It’s inspired by Toews’ own family history, wherein her sister Marjorie committed suicide, much like the character of Elf (a successful pianist) wants to within these pages. Standing in direct opposition to Elf’s wishes is her sister Yoli, the proxy Toews, whose fictional life isn’t particularly rosy either. Yoli watches in frustration and helplessness as her sister marches toward the dark at the end of the tunnel, wondering if there’s anything she can possibly to do help her loved one, if she can be ‘healed’, if there is a way to bring her back toward the light. It may sound bleak, but alas, the book is shockingly gripping, moving, raw, and like all of Toews work, imminently readable, despite the subject at hand. The novel has already won acclaim by being shortlisted for the Scotiabank Giller Prize and nabbing accolades in the form of the Rogers Writersā€™ Trust Fiction Prize. As always, I’m an extra big fan of promoting Canadian authors – so if you’ve never dived into one of Toews books, trust me, you will be captivated.

Colorless Tsukuru TazakiColorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami – $29.95
Perfect For:Ā Your brainyĀ hipsterĀ cousin in college.
Reminded Me Of: There can be no real answer to this than it reminded me of other Murakami fare.Ā 
What’s Up?:Ā In a lot of ways, I feel like reading a Murakami book is a must-have for any person that calls themselves a ‘reader’. His voice is singular – a weird blend of nonsense and pathos and intrigue and transcendence that’s reminiscent of the best episodes of Lost, where you’re able to suspend the need for an explanation because you’re just enjoying his work so much. I’ve already read two Murakamis and I was eagerly anticipating his latest. If you ARE familiar with the Japanese author’s work, then I can share this: it’s a bit of a departure from his other stories, really, in terms of how straightforward it is. There is a big of magical trickery in the air (hint: there’s a similar concept to IQ84 at play) but really, it’s the story of a boy who was friends with four children once upon a time, all of whom has a reference to a colour in their name – except for Tsukuru. One day, out of seemingly nowhere, they stop being friends with him. Sixteen years later, Tsukuru’s girlfriend convinces him to figure out what went down and why he’s such a lonely dude in his adulthood. While it may not be the most uplifting of reads (and are Murakami’s books ever?) but it IS an interesting study on loneliness, longing and the moments (big and small) that shape who we become.

Holiday Reads Fiction

That wraps up my Holiday Reads posts for the year – and SHOULD wrap up your book-buying needs for this holiday season. Once again, I’m giving away copies of every single book featured in this post, as part of a prize package valued at over $375! Enter to win some of 2014’s most talked about fiction by following the steps below:

1) First and foremost: you must be a subscriber to the Canadian Gift Guide to enter this giveaway ā€“ I promise, you’ll love it! Just find the ā€˜Gift of Gabā€™ box on the righthand side of this page and either hit Follow or enter your email address. Once youā€™ve done that, leave a comment on this post by December 24, 2014, telling me which of these titles youā€™re most interested in reading. You can pick as many as you like!

2) Entries are limited to one per person / per email address / per household (or more if you score bonus entries). A random draw will be conducted on or around December 26, 2014 to select the winner(s), who will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen in their place.

3) Entries are limited to Canadians that have reached the age of majority in their province. Quebec is not eligible for this promotion.

4) Bonus Entry: Follow the super awesome publishers of these engrossing books on Twitter, and send then send out as many as 12Ā Tweets (one per book) that tags each publisher and the author of the book (if they have a Twitter account), as well as links back to this post. Then post each of your Tweets into a separate comment below.Ā As a handy cheat sheet, Iā€™ve highlighted the publishers below, including what titles they released, and their Twitter handles.

Penguin –Ā Big Little Lies

Raincoast Books –Ā Friendship, Landline

Random House of Canada –Ā Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki, Adult Onset, The Paying Guests, Shopaholic To The Stars, Bone Clocks, Leaving Time, All My Puny Sorrows

Simon & Schuster – We Are Not Ourselves, All The Light We Cannot See

189 Responses to “Holiday Reading List – Fiction”
  1. Karen says:

    Leaving Time and Paying Guests

  2. Heather Swanson says:

    Sophie Kinsella Shopaholic to the stars

  3. My favourite giveaway yet!!! I’m all over Adult Onset, Shopaholic To The Stars, Landline and Big Little Lies. So many fantastic books! Fingers crossed to find them under my tree. šŸ™‚

  4. Paula S says:

    All of them , of course. But if I had to pick just one, All the Light we Cannot See

  5. Cheryl A says:

    Today, I would love to curl up with “the Paying Guests” by sarah waters. Oh and a cup of tea, please šŸ™‚

    Good luck fellow bookworms!

  6. Joan G. says:

    I’d start with The Bone Clocks.

  7. Anne Derkat says:

    I’d be interested in Shopaholic to the Stars.

  8. aclily19 says:

    Big Little Lies

  9. Sunshine G says:

    I’d like to read the new Jodi Picoult novel – I love her stuff!

  10. Audrey Skinner says:

    I am eager to read All The Light We Cannot See.

  11. Margaret Palmer says:

    I have already read three of your picks and all but one of the others are on my ‘to read’ list…so great picks! If I had to pick the one I am most interested in, it would be Adult Onset.

  12. KellyPC says:

    I’m a HUGE Jodi Picoult fan, I can’t wait to get a copy of Leaving Time in my sweaty little hands!

  13. SandyS says:

    Adult Onset by Ann-Marie MacDonald will get me started!

  14. dorcontest says:

    I subscribe by email.
    I love them all but the most want to read are the The Paying Guests and We are Not Ourselves.
    dorcontest at gmail dot com

  15. Loretta Krauter says:

    First storm of the winter I want my couch a big comfy blanket a glass of wine and liane’s Big Little Lies – sounds like the perfect day to me !

  16. KerriR says:

    Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult ā€“ I have read many of her books so always interested in the next one.

  17. Victoria M says:

    All of them? If just one, All My Puny Sorrows. I love her work!

  18. Elizabeth R says:

    Jodi Picoult, Leaving Time.

  19. debbie f says:

    all of them but I am most interested in reading Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult

  20. Alanna D says:

    The description for Big Little Lies was perfect, this will fit right in to my regular reading collection

  21. I’m most interested in reading The Paying Guests. Sarah Waters is such a brilliant writer that I know I’ll love it.

  22. mousecat says:

    I’d be most interested in reading ‘Friendship’ and ‘Big Little Lies’, but they all sound pretty good!

  23. Lynn A says:

    Would love The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell. I know I would enjoy reading them all

  24. Erin W says:

    I’ve wanted to ready Adult Onset and All My Puny Sorrows since they came out! Two of my favourite authors!

  25. Gina says:

    Sophie Kinsella Shopaholic to the stars, always a great quick read

  26. Susan Patterson says:

    My choice would be Leaving Time by Jodi Picouit

  27. edmontonjb says:

    I’m most excited about Shopaholic to the Stars because I’ve loved this series for years.

  28. E Morris says:

    Bone Clocks

  29. Susanne C says:

    I would love to read “Shopaholic”

  30. Dwayne Taylor says:

    I would love to read
    Adult Onset by Ann-Marie MacDonald

  31. Susan Stirling says:

    I have never met a book I didn’t like and many, many I loved! I would start this delicious buffet by reading Big Little Lies .. just for a change of pace after the many ‘dark’ tales I have been consuming!

  32. Lori Shmuir says:

    Shopaholic to the Stars and Leaving Time – actually any of them really lol!

  33. Leah says:

    I’m most interested in reading “All my Puny Sorrows”. I love Miriam Toews!

  34. Susan says:

    I love Jodi Picoult, so would love to read Leaving Time. I’ve also heard a lot about All My Puny Sorrows so that would be my next read. Then I would love to read the rest!

  35. Kelly says:

    I’d be most interested in reading “All my Puny Sorrows”. I love all her books!

  36. Michelle says:

    The Paying Guests sounds like a great read.

  37. Julia H says:

    I most want to read “All the Light We Cannot See”. I have heard of this book before, and I really want to read it. It sounds like a wonderful story, and, also, I love love love the idea that one of the book’s themes is about the ways we are all connected. Honestly, I would LOVE to read any and all of these books, but “All the Light We Cannot See” is the one that really sticks out for me as a must-read.

  38. Jasen H says:

    Most interested in reading The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell

  39. Shelley N says:

    I most want to read We are not Ourselves by Matthew Thomas

  40. Cairine says:

    I would like to read Adult On Set

  41. intensev5 says:

    I would really like to read Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult

  42. Lori P says:

    I’d be most interested in reading The Paying Guests by Sarah Waters.

  43. stellar says:

    I want to read all these: Friendship by Emily Gould, We Are Not Ourselves by Matthew Thomas, Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult, Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty, The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell and All My Puny Sorrows by Miriam Toews.

  44. aly3360 says:

    I’m most interested in reading Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult. I love all of her books that i’ve read so far and i can’t wait to dive into this one too!!

  45. Alison K says:

    I’m a subscriber. Of these titles, I’m most interested in reading Shopaholic to the Stars by Sophie Kinsella (love/hate relationship with Becca), Adult Onset by Ann-Marie MacDonald (already feel the stress of MR’s life but am intrigued!).

  46. Samantha h says:

    I’d like to read adult onset foremost

  47. Julia H says:

  48. Julie G. says:

    I’m interested in reading The Bone Clocks.
    I’m a subscriber.

  49. Edith Rennes says:

    Jodi Picault’s Leaving Time

  50. Pam says:

    I am a subscriber with my sympatico email
    I am really eager to read
    The Paying Guests and Leaving Time

  51. Pam says:

  52. Jennifer R says:

    All The Light We Cannot See has been on my list for awhile now. I would also like to read the Miriam Toews book too.

  53. SueSueper says:

    I am looking forward to reading All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr .

  54. Tracy says:

    All of them šŸ˜‰ avid reader here! I think All The Light We Can Not See looks great.

  55. Kim M says:

    Adult Onset by Anne-Marie MacDonald

  56. Lisa Morrison says:

    Leaving Time

  57. Gracie Mc says:

    I’m dying to read “All the Light We Cannot See.”

  58. S.Hirano says:

    I would like to read Big Little Lies.

  59. KELLY E says:

    I want to read we Are Not Ourselves

  60. lorna says:

    Really want to read We are not ourselves!

  61. l p says:

    all the light we cannot see is the first choice, then we are not ourselves. thanks

  62. Jennifer Deol says:

    I would love to read, “The Paying Guests” by Sarah Waters as I love historical fiction.

  63. Elaine says:

    all of them. I’ll be traveling soon and will need some good airplane reading.

  64. George Meek says:

    My wife reads 24/7 she’d love more books!

  65. Pam says:

    Would love to read the new Miram Towes book

  66. Sarah Noble says:

    All My Puny Sorrows by Miriam Toews looks like a good read.

  67. Steven Y says:

    I would be reading The Bone Clock first

  68. Margaret says:

    Sophie Kinsella Shopaholic to the stars

  69. Mary Warner says:

    All My Puny Sorrows. I have read all M. Toews’ books.

  70. gbomberry says:

    I would like to read The Paying Guests,

  71. gloria konelsky says:

    JODI PICOULT Leaving Time

  72. Shopaholic to the stars and friendship

  73. veRONIca says:

    I would love to read Jodi Picoult’s book. I’ve heard wonderful things about her writing, but haven’t had a chance to read any of her works yet

  74. Michael says:

    Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami ā€“ I’ve read a couple of his other books and loved them. They aren’t just for hipsters!

  75. Valerie Gibson says:

    I’m most interested in reading Adult Onset.

  76. Jessica Lord says:

    the paying guests

  77. Lara A says:

    The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell

  78. SamanthaD says:

    So many great titles! I’m most interested in reading Leaving Time by my favorite author Jodi Picoult.

  79. debra says:

    leaving time

  80. Lynn M says:

    I think I would really enjoy “The Paying Guests”

  81. Linda says:

    All My Puny Sorrows, The Bone Clocks, and Adult Onset

  82. katydidit21 says:

    All the Light We Cannot See, Adult Onset, All My Puny Sorrows and Friendship.

  83. Vicki H says:

    Landline, The Paying Guests and All the Light We Cannot See. All going on my list

  84. c conway says:

    We are not Ourselves. Thank you.

  85. Florence C says:

    Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult

  86. Theresa says:

    All the light we cannot see sounds amazing!

  87. truckerofbc says:

    All the Light we cannot see

  88. jasmyth says:

    Gosh they all sound great to me! I have read Shopaholic to the Stars and Big Little Lies. Both are from two of my favorite authors and they were very good. As for what I would want to read? The Paying Guests or All my Puny Sorrows sound really interesting. Quite frankly I love all books and would be very happy to read them all!

  89. Pam says:

  90. Pam says:

  91. Grace says:

    I’ve been eyeing The Paying Guests every time I go to the bookstore so I would definitely love to check that one out!

  92. Dreena says:

    I’m most interested in reading this book: “Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage” by Haruki Murakami.


  93. Michelle says:

    Big Little Lies sounds good

  94. I’d love to read The Bone Clocks! I love genre-bending fiction, and have been meaning to pick up David Mitchell’s work for a while now.

  95. Doug Mickey says:

    All the Light We Cannot See

  96. Daniel Mousseau says:

    All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, I love war novels plain and simple!

  97. Brenda Lacourciere says:

    The Paying Guests by Sarah Waters looks wonderful

  98. cookie3 says:

    The Paying Guests & Leaving Time

  99. Kiersten says:

    all my puny sorrows looks neat!

  100. GARRY S says:


  101. magda s. says:

    All my puny sorrows sounds lovely

  102. jay n says:

    The Leaving Guests and We are not Ourselves.

  103. teganmtaylor says:

    I’m so excited to read The Bone Clocks – it looks like it’s going to be great!

  104. ikkinlala says:

    I’d love to read The Bone Clocks.

  105. Pam says:

  106. Pam says:

  107. beach650 says:

    These are all authors whose books I would pick up not needing to know anything about the plot. All My Puny Sorrows by Miriam Toews tops my list

  108. stacey h says:

    i’ve read the first two ‘shopaholic books’ i would love to read more, bring on the ‘to the stars’

  109. Sherry K says:

    Miriam Toews – All My Puny Sorrows, Ann-Marie MacDonald – Adult Onset and Sarah Waters – The Paying Guest

  110. Sherry K says:

  111. Elaine Buonsante says:

    All the Light we cannot see sounds intriguing!

  112. Pam says:

  113. Janet says:

    I am most interested in All The Light We Cannot See as I’ve heard a lot about it.

  114. Susan T. says:

    I really want to read The Paying Guests and Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki!

  115. Bee says:

    I LOVE books and want to read all of the above!

  116. Bee says:


    P.S. I am trying to sign up for your email list but it hasn’t sent me a confirmation link…

  117. Katie says:

    I have heard great things about All The Light We Cannot See – so it’s the top of my list!

  118. Heather Arnould says:

    All My Puny Sorrows, Adult Onset, We Are Not Ourselves. This is a great prize, especially for a long, cold winter.

  119. Donnas says:

    I’m a subscriber. Many of these books sound like great reads, I’m a fan of Jodi Picoult so I’d choose her book as my first read, and my second choice would be Big Little Lies.

  120. Cindy Martin says:

    Sophie Kinsella Shopaholic to the Stars sounds fun!

  121. Jenny L. says:

    I am a huge fan of Sophie Kinsella so I am excited for Shopaholic to the Stars, and also All The Light We Cannot See

  122. I’m most interested in reading “The Paying Guests” – I love historical books set between the wars.

  123. aimee says:

    they all look good. I would read friendship first

  124. julia g says:

    My top choice is The Bone Clocks. I went to see David Mitchell read from it earlier in the year so my curiosity has already been piqued.

  125. julia g says:

    My Big Little Lies tweet (Liane Moriarty is not on Twitter):

  126. julia g says:

    My We Are Not Ourselves tweet (Matthew Thomas is not on Twitter):

  127. julia g says:

    My All the Light We Cannot See tweet (author not on Twitter): (These authors really have not embraced Twitter the way the YA fiction writers have!)

  128. julia g says:

    My tweet for Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage:

  129. Pam says:

  130. Pam says:

  131. Pam says:

  132. Pam says:

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