6 More Tips to Save Money on Groceries Now!


Let’s Save Some Money on Groceries!

We are continuing with Part 3 in our series on saving money on grocery shopping. Here are 6 more simple tips to help you save tons of money and bring that estimated $1,000 a month on groceries way down.

Read the Other Popular Posts in This Series:

Save Money on Grocery Shopping


1. Use Coupons…

Nowadays it seems like you can find coupons just about everywhere you turn. Unfortunately, at least half of the coupons I find now are expired but still out there to be found.

Now the question isn’t “Where can I find coupons?”, but rather “Where can I find savings that are valid now?”

There are a few great sources of coupons that are updated regularly: the weekly circular in the paper (if you still get the paper, lol), coupons.com, redplum.com, and smartsource.com

After that, I recommend checking each store you visit to see if they have an app (and usually special savings through that app). Ideas of places to check:

  • King Soopers/City Market/Kroger                      
  • Target/Super Target
  • Costco
  • Walmart/Super Walmart
  • Sams Club
  • Trader Joes
  • Natural Grocers
  • Sprouts
  • Whole Foods
  • Publix
  • Earth Fare
  • Lowes Foods
  • Any other favorite stores

Pro Tip: Be sure to check for an app as well as for online coupons (sometimes they are not the same) to your favorite store for more savings!


2. …Strategically

Most people want to use coupons right away.

However, to save the most money, pair coupon savings with store sales. SouthernSavers.com is a fantastic resource for finding store sales (to most major grocery store chains) and matching them up with coupon offers.

And remember, stores have sales on regular rotations! If you want to keep track of your favorite items to see how often/what time of year they go on sale, grab our grocery price check sheet!


3. Buy fish frozen and in bulk

At the counter, you will likely find seafood products with very small print saying “previously frozen”. Surprising, isn’t it? These seafood products are put on display in such a way as to make you think that you are buying authentic fresh, never frozen, food.

That mirage costs money which gets passed down to you.

Skip these items and buy from the frozen section. You will save up to 40% AND you can thaw the seafood yourself when you are ready to use it.

I even buy my frozen fish and seafood from Costco to buy in bulk so I save even more!

produce groceries4. Know average prices so you can spot a good deal

If you shop regularly, this might come naturally to you. For example, you might automatically know that a certain favorite salad dressing costs around $3 a bottle, making a sale of $1.99 a good deal or $1.50/bottle a steal.

If, however, you don’t normally do the shopping or you shop at a variety of stores (or you just don’t naturally remember numbers well), this is where your price comparison sheet will come in handy. Need the sheet? Enter your email below so we know where to send it!

5. Shoot for 1-2 meatless days a week to save money on meat

There are several benefits to having a meatless day or two a week, including saving money on meat.

If you want to save money on your grocery bill each month, experiment with other proteins such as rice, beans, dairy, even tofu. If you spend your money more on rice, beans and vegetables and make a small reduction in how much you spend on meat, you could save up to about $700 a year. What?! Yup.

6. Take advantage of free samples

If you are like me, free stuff always tastes better!

Plus, indulging in a few free samples will help curb your appetite so you are much less likely to impulse shop and overspend. It is way easier to stick to your list AND your budget when you aren’t shopping with an empty stomach!


If you haven’t read our other post full of tips for saving money on groceries, check it out!

By combining these tips together or mixing and matching what works for you, you can save hundreds of dollars each year (or even each month!) just on groceries! All it takes is a little bit of time and experimenting to see which tips work to help YOU save the most!

Must Have Tips for saving money on groceries graphic

We want to hear from you! Comment below: What was your biggest takeaway from these tips?


Read these other popular posts:

Make Your Own Hummingbird Food (save money and help the birds)!

5 Simple and Fun Activities to do as a Family to Get and Stay Healthy!

The Best and Easiest Way to Make Baked Potatoes



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  1. My husband and I eat out once every other week approximately, for date night but everything else is home cooked. I even cook for the kids before going on a date.

  2. We go out about once a week but it was less when the kids were younger. Every once in a while you have to ‘treat yoself!”

  3. We rarely go out to eat. Usually we take out a Papa Murphy’s pizza a few times a month. My hubby and I will go out to eat on a date night once a month.

  4. Great ideas. I used to coupon and need to get back to it. After I had a baby it was just too time consuming for me. And we eat out maybe once a week. And some weeks we don’t eat out at all. We’ve been trying to really get a handle on throwing money away in restaurants.

    1. Sometimes it’s nicer to pick up and eat at home than it is to deal with eating at a restaurant. Thanks for entering, Phillipa, and good luck!

  5. I usually go out to eat once every other week, just as a treat for when I get paid. Sometimes it’s nice to have someone else cook for you lol.

  6. I don’t go out to try to save some dollars but If I win I’ll eat out once per week for a month! Thanks for this contest and Happy ? Easter

    1. Haha, Ina! I’m certainly not promoting going out to eat – I just wanted to get a sense of how often our readers do go out and how much they cook at home! I say save those dollars – even if you win 🙂

  7. We rarely go out to eat, maybe once a month. Eating at home means healthier, cheaper meals and it’s SO difficult to go out with infants and toddlers.

  8. I don’t eat out on a weekly basis–maybe a couple of times a month. I much prefer to cook our meals and eat at home (although it is nice to be waited on sometimes!).

  9. We don’t eat out. Once every couple of months we will call in our order, pick it up and eat it at home.

  10. I go out about twice a week to eat. I prefer healthy places to eat because I am a vegetarian and I like to avoid fast food restaurants like Mcdonalds.

  11. We only go out to eat maybe once every 3 to 4 weeks. My husband got salmonella poisoning real bad in August when we ate out and was hospitalized for 6 days and lost the ability to walk from it as it developed into another condition that can come from salmonella called reiters. He then had to be out of work for 9 weeks from it once he came home so he has just started to be willing to try somewhere again.

    1. Oh Elizabeth – that sounds like a horrible experience for both of you. I am so sorry to hear about that. I hope your husband has recovered and is now able to walk again. I wouldn’t want to risk eating out after an experience like that either! I really hope you are both doing better now. Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you again soon!

  12. Thanks for the tips! I would use this voucher wisely. Picking up food few times a month-pizza and similar, nothing bigger than that. Greetings! 🙂

  13. We Go out at least once a week and i pick up food a couple times a week. There’s only 2 of us at home now. Saves me some time and money this way.

  14. We go out once a week usually on the weekend. If I don’t feel like cooking I will order a pickup order during the week.

  15. I rarely go out these days because I went back to school and now on a very strict budget. Special occasions like birthdays or anniversaries, however, are a big deal and deserve a good old celebration out in town!

  16. We rarely go out to eat unless it is for a special occasion. Sometimes we do a movie and a burger as a date.

  17. I rarely go out to eat because I need to watch my intake for health reasons. I enjoy cooking fish and pasta at home

  18. We actually do not go out to eat at all….I either cook or pick up ready-made….thanks for asking and for the chance to win! 🙂

  19. A lot less than we used to, but we are also buying less now too. We are down one teen now that he joined the army.

  20. On a typical week I don’t eat out. I tend to prefer making dinner rather than finding a restaurant.

  21. Actually, I cook at home most of the time. I typically go to lunch with one of my daughters on Fridays and then maybe twice a month (at most) we go out to dinner or lunch on another day.

  22. My family and I usually only eat out twice a month. We enjoy cooking and preparing meals together and also eating out can be costly!

  23. I dine out infrequently. I’d much rather save the money for healthier foods put together at home.

  24. We eat out about 1 or 2 week. I would eat out every meal if I could afford it! Lol I can’t cook so the food isn’t too appetizing at home

  25. Now that our kids are out of the house, my husband & I go out for dinner at least 1-2 times a week.

  26. a week? It’s more like a month and it’s usually once, maybe twice—one, I’m too good of a cook, two…the expense and three, having the time…so, I may suggest once or twice these fanominal Lebanese sandwiches, but usually, we never go out because even the sandwiches are for pick up and we eat at home.

  27. Antes lo hacia una vez a la semana, luego una vez cada quince dias, en la actualidad ya no recuerdo cuando fue la ultima vez que sali a comer fuera de casa, ya es bastante dificil en mi pais comer en casa para darse el lujo de salir a comer en la calle, en un lujo que el 90% no podemos darnos

    1. Translation:
      I used to do it once a week, then once every fifteen days, nowadays I do not remember when it was the last time I went out to eat, it is quite difficult in my country to eat at home to have the luxury of go out to eat on the street, in a luxury that 90% can not give us

  28. My family and I eat out once or twice a week. Always on Fridays and sometimes on Saturdays too if it’s reasonable health wise.

  29. This is so amazing! wow. i would love to win. followed on all social medias! love this page! yay!

  30. I haven’t been out to eat inside a restaurant in over 4 years. My health isn’t good but more importantly I have sever anxiety attacks. ;(

  31. We go out to eat a couple times a week, maybe more when we are super busy with the kids and all of their activities!

    1. Oh boy do I understand that, Eloise! That’s where we are right now (plus our house is on the market, so we have to keep it super clean and often be gone at dinner time). Those kids activities are enough to wear out the parents sometimes!

  32. I haven’t gone out to eat in over five years. LOL. I make every single meal at home because of dietary restrictions. (I’m on the autoimmune protocol, which is an offshoot of paleo and am super sensitive to cross contamination.)

  33. I live in rural Canada and very seldom eat out – I am vegetarian (40+ years). Thankfully I love to cook. Food shopping on-line is a blessing.

  34. We don’t go out to eat very much – maybe once a month. We do order in, though, weekly or biweekly, depending on Mommy’s level of fatigue.

  35. We don’t have the money to go out much, maybe once a month to a cheap place. Or if I have a coupon for a place.

  36. I used to buy McDonalds for lunch everyday at work but now-a-days we rarely eat out. Something like once per month.

  37. We go out to eat maybe r times year when traveling. I woukd rather cook at home I like to feed my family healthy meals.

  38. I eat out 3 or 4 times a week. Its usually fast food because that’s all I can do when I’m working a 12 hour day.

  39. We don’t go out to eat that often. We live in a town with a few restaurants, but they all seem to serve the same boring, uninspired food. I would rather create amazing ethnic dishes at home instead.

  40. We only go out to eat once a month at most. We prefer preparing our own meals at home so we know what we’re eating.

  41. I love eating out but because of my health I don’t get out of the house often. We usually get delivery or fast food about once a week or so.

  42. We go out to eat as few times as possible. I love cooking so making dinner for me is not a problem. Also, we find some restaurant foods too salty now that we’ve been eating salt-free for some time. I really don’t miss eating out at all, and I would guess we eat out maybe once a month.

  43. We usually go out to eat twice per week. Once after church with my mother in law and another time asa a family, though we often grab takeout because our children are 2 and 5.

  44. We try to limit going out to eat to about once a month. It’s too expensive and I enjoy cooking at home.

  45. I normally do not go out to eat. I like to cook and if I’m not in the mood, I’m great at ordering a pizza. lol.
    I really like the tips above! Thank you!

  46. How many times I go out to eat during a week depends on what I have going on during the week. If I have dr’s appointments or other appointments I will usually grab a meal out. Sometimes I will have another appointment during the week and have another meal out. Though there are many weeks when I do not have appointments that I eat in all week. Thetefore I will say twice monthly. Four times monthly max.

  47. We go out to eat maybe once a week or take out . Try not to though . Awesome article , thanks for the tips .

  48. We usually eat at home 7 days a week but once or twice a month will go out to eat for a birthday or special event.

  49. We maybe eat out once or twice a week for lunch. I like to cook, so most of the time I cook dinner for our family.

  50. We don’t currently go out to eat because of budget constraints. Awesome tips, thanks! 😀 I would also add another CHEAP protein suggestion: TVP (textured vegetable protein)! A quarter cup dry has 12g protein, & I’ll often add 1/2 cup to soup or stew! It can be purchased from bulk bins at grocery stores, as well as packaged.

    1. You’re right, Lindsay! I completely forgot about TVP! I used to use it to make tacos but haven’t done that in several years! I’ll have to do that again!

  51. We don’t go out to eat as a family. Sometimes one of us grabs lunch with a friend now and then. I cook all the meals at home and we take leftovers to work for lunch or school.

  52. Once at the most. Ideally we try to not go out to eat more than once or twice a month. I pack my lunches and make my own coffee. I love to cook and freeze.

  53. We eat out 8-10 times a week when you consider breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I use a lot of coupons though.

  54. I rarely eat out anymore. I used to eat lunch out every day, but when I realized how much money I could save, and still have a variety of choices, I started bringing my lunch. My husband cooks dinners, and honestly his cooking is better than most restaurants, so I prefer to eat dinner at home. I still sometimes splurge for breakfast a few times a month, but the calories are insane, so I usually do a healthy home breakfast.

  55. Great tips ladies! We also do “meatless” dishes twice a week and it saves a TON of money. I usually make breakfast for dinner and then a vegetarian dinner. And #6 is SO true! Eat up those free samples! Shopping on an empty stomach is one of the worst money traps.

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