Win a Home Hardware gift card and CaLove clothing prize pack valued at $250
Our team at ContestCanada loves our great nation. And, frankly, it’s time for us to pull together. To let our values – kindness, decency, freedom – shine through in a world increasingly polarized by divisiveness and hate. So we’ve teamed up with a Canadian apparel producer, CaLove, to provide an incentive in the form of a $250 prize pack for this contest. It includes a Home Hardware gift card and some awesome gear to show your love of Canada (available in all sizes). You can win it, and it’s easy to enter. All you need to do is… SPEAK UP! Tell us what you love about Canada – your comment will count as an entry in the random draw. Be original though – any cut-and-paste duplication of other comments will be disqualified. You can post a comment here (below), or on our Instagram post. On Instagram, you can get bonus entries by liking and sharing our post.
Entry Frequency: unlimited
Age: AOM
Expires February 28, 2025
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Canada is the best country in the world. We have freedom to live life our way, mainly, and family values mean something. It is a place I am pround to bring up my children, grandchildren and great granchildren. When someone says ” where do you live?” I am always pround to say CANADA!
Thanks Fay! You kicked off a great discussion.
Canada is not a huge country, population-wise. But we have a history of survival. It’s part of our founding philosophy. To survive the elements we’ve had to pull together and co-operate– both before and after colonization. So let’s do this together. Let’s do what we do best– survive through patience, co-operation and hard work.
Part of the trick to doing this, I think, is to stand firm for our needs while also remaining understanding and forgiving of the shortcomings of others. This allows us the grace to survive and remain socially united through the challenges. This means caring for yourself while also having compassion when a neighbour (or a neighbouring country) is going through a difficult time. Call it a fit of anger and confusion, or perhaps call it a mental health crisis– whatever it is, and even if it does include an aggression toward us… we need to have compassion for their shortcomings and patiently await the day when, once again, they are ready to work constructively together.
This, to me, is the Canadian way. To my fellow compatriots… stand strong. Persist. Be frustrated. I am too. But in the end, breathe. Forgive. And move forward into whatever next beautiful opportunities, however limited, await us. Brighter days are, inevitably, ahead.
Tyler, this is an insightful, patient, and kind take on the current situation. I’m very thankful to be alongside people like you.
What do I love about Canada? There are so many things that are great, but I will tell you about what happened over the winter. I have a new neighbour who has a skid steer. He owns the private road I live on and not only does he clear the road (the previous road owner did not) but he also clears my driveway. Now, that is pretty outstanding as it is but the other day, after particularly heavy snows, his got stuck. I managed to get the snowblower going and cleared a path to the equipment (until I got stuck – but managed to dislodge the snowblower). Between the driver, his two kids, myself and another neighbour who has more experience with equipment, we managed to get him out. We all shook hands, said thank you and continued to our own homes. That is what I see with Canadians – when someone needs help, we pitch in to help. (I realize not all are like this, but I think the majority are.)
Y’all are gonna make me cry a little. Not from sadness, but from warmth of heart. Beautiful Canadians, thank you for sharing!
What I love about Canada is how beautiful our country is!! We have so many gorgeous areas filled with nature and lakes. Even our prairies are so beautiful with the golden fields of wheat that shine like sparkles in the summer sun! Canada is such a beautiful artistic and ecclectic place with so many cultures learning to embrace themselves and each other. We have city life and country life. Canadians are wonderful people whom are passionate about their province and will take a stand to help each other but also other countries in need. Plus we have maple syrup, nanaimo bars….hockey….saskatoon berries….and so much more!!! CANADA ROCKS EY!
I love that I feel safe here. Most places I go I can go anytime. I love that we celebrate our country as a “mosaic” and not a melting pot. I love that I don’t have to worry about going into debt if I get sick because of massive hospital bills.
What I love about Canada is the friendliness of a lot of people. Nowadays when morality, truth and self pride have taken a back seat, it is nice to feel at home in my Canada.
I love so much about Canada and I am proud to be a Canadian. I love our 4 seasons. Sometimes I think it would be nice not to have Winter, but I know I would miss it. The summers can be so hot now that winter is a breath of fresh air. I love the people I meet, who in most cases are very pleasant. I think Canada is one of the most friendly countries. I love that we have such a diversity of Canadians, and in most cases, they are all accepted. I love that we accept people who they are, gay or lesbian, their chosen faiths, and more. I love that we have freedom of speech and can voice our concerns and recommendations to our governments and people in general. We are so lucky that we don’t have the severe weather that other countries are dealing with, floods, mega snowfalls, fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, and more. We experience some of these, but not as severe as other countries outside of Canada. Canada is a great place to raise our children. My mom had 16, 9 girls and 7 boys and we all did well. Mom died in 2003 at age 99, and my dad at age 63 in a car accident. I have 2 boys and they have done amazingly well in their careers and families. There is so much opportunity for kids today to get a good education if they choose to. I live in Ontario with my husband and 2 boys and their families and we would not want to live anywhere else. God Bless Canada!
I love that canadians work together and have a great sense of community. I love poutine. I love snowboarding in canadian slopes. I enjoy watching hockey. SO much to love.
Our freedom
beautiful country, free and brave. Best of all it is Trump free.
I love our kindness and sense of respect for one another. You want to fight? Do it on the ice, but then after shake hands and move on.
I love Canada because it accepted my expatriated Polish family after WWII. I will be forever grateful to this country for giving them a home.
With so much anti-immigrant hatred today, it’s nice to hear stories like yours. Thanks for sharing it. We should also remember that from about 1830 until the end of the American Civil War, many slaves made their way to freedom – in Canada – through the underground railroad. Many went to Ontario, but some also went to Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia.
My family emigrated here from England in 1951 when I was eight. Now I’m 82 and have a pension and a lovely studio apt across from High Park – subsidized. I find that whenever I need help with my wonky mobility, there is ALWAYS someone at my elbow ready to assist me. If I were not confident in this, I would not be able to go anywhere. THANK YOU CANADA!
High Park is lovely. And I’m glad you have good Canadians by your side looking out for you.
I love Canada because of the richness in heritage, unspoiled wilderness, diversity in cultures, and the fact that we can accommplish anything! I love that we are a relatively “baby” country, still exploring how to be an adult,open to growth & new ideas and willing to forge a path towards what works best for our people. Except for our beautiful indiginous peoples, we are all pretty much “new” Canadians.
How can anyone not love Canada? Canada is known for its kindness and generosity towards people of all backgrounds. Whether it be different ethnicity, culture, colour, faith, sexual orientation, all are welcome.We embrace our difference. This gives us strength and understanding. We are free to be who we are.
So true! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Canada welcomed us with open arms back in the 80s. We will be forever thankful. Amazing country – love Canada.
Love that we are NOT the US!
When you travel people often ask what’s the difference between the US and Canada. There are so many answers to that question, but I think it boils down to this: Americans are nationalists – they think they’re superior in every way. Canadians are internationalists – we are not superior to every other country, but we are grateful and proud to live in a truly multicultural country with a social safety net that treats everyone equally and respects all our citizens and neighbours. Whatever your faith, and I am not Christian, “do onto others as you would have them do onto you” should be our motto. This has been lost in the US.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Palushka. For generations, the US has been a great neighbour. I hope we can have that again.
Canada is the best country in the world because of its stunning natural beauty, inclusive society, and high quality of life. From the majestic Rocky Mountains to the breathtaking coastlines of the Atlantic and Pacific, Canada offers some of the most spectacular landscapes on Earth. Its vast wilderness, national parks, and rich biodiversity make it a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers.
Beyond its beauty, Canada is known for its welcoming and diverse society. With a strong commitment to multiculturalism, people from all backgrounds and cultures live together harmoniously. Canada champions human rights, gender equality, and Indigenous reconciliation, ensuring that its values reflect fairness, respect, and inclusivity.
Canada also ranks among the top countries for quality of life. It boasts a world-class healthcare system, excellent education, and a strong economy. Cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal consistently rank among the best places to live globally, offering safety, innovation, and opportunities for growth.
With its breathtaking landscapes, progressive values, and high living standards, Canada truly stands out as the best country in the world.
Canada, strong and free, we are truly blessed to be living here!! My little Province of Nova Scotia will always be home to me and I love it!!
This Yarmouth-born boy salutes you!
I love Canada for many reasons. Its people is one of its greatest resources.Many travellers to our country have told me they love the friendliness ,generosity and kindness shown to them.The expression They would give you the shirt off their backs comes to mind.
Another reason it is so wonderful is its beautiful scenery from coast to coast..We have every type available mountains ,waterways and forests in abundance.And with this comes a wide variety of great wildlife.
We have a great deal to be grateful for in Canada because we do not have war on our soil.We still can be inspired with certain freedoms .
I have heard my son say.”We have already won the lottery Mom because we were born in Canada!”
I love that quote from your son! He’s wise – let’s take no blessing for granted.
I love Canada for our wide open spaces and the opportunities to choose where in this great country we choose personally to work and play. The diversity of options are sensational and the freedom that we enjoy as Canadians is something that I truly treasure.
I love Canada for its stunning natural beauty—mountains, forests, and our oceans that take your breath away. The people are kind and welcoming, and the diversity here makes life vibrant. Plus, the changing seasons keep things exciting. It’s a peaceful, inclusive place that I’m proud to call home.
Thanks for that. It’s a common thread. That we love natural beauty, and that we accept differences among us.
Canada is the best country to live in. There is diversity which makes Canada so great.
Being Canadian and residing here two decades has given me security and stability.
I love Canada for many reasons: our spectacular natural spaces, our celebration of different cultures and the feelings of security here in a country which is both progressive and caring.
Canada is definetly the country of choice. I lived in France for a couple of years & have travelled in many other countries through the years ….. I always long to get home to my country of birth!!
Canada, despite its many problems, is still one of the most beautiful and resource rich countries in the world. When Canadians take the time to actually learn our real history, and not the adulterated, divisive, and hateful stuff we too often hear repeated ad nauseum by too many politicians and the mainstream media, they will realize that we live in a country whose founding bedrock principles and laws make it a wonderful place to live. As long as we are willing and able to stand up for, and cherish, the Judeao-Christian values and beliefs, hard work, respect for each other, and individual freedom and responsibility that made us a nation our soldiers were willing to die for, we will have a bright, unstoppable future.
I love Canada’s natural beauty, friendly people, maple syrup and of course Tim Hortons!
There is so much to love about Canada. I’ve always been so grateful to have been born here. I grew up in a small town in Northern Ontario where everyone is friendly and you always felt safe. I moved out to Kelowna, BC in 2011 for school, but every year I go home and it feels like everything is the same. The only thing I don’t miss is the -30 winters. In Kelowna we get the perks of having all 4 seasons without the brutal cold. Most of my traveling has been done within our great country, as there is so much to see within our borders. Tofino, BC is my favourite place I’ve ever been, and I’m hoping to explore the East Coast for the first time next year. I feel that the Canadian pride is so strong amongst our citizens, I feel like this is really coming across now with the changes in the US. I also noticed during the Stanley Cup playoffs last year when the Oilers made it all the way to the end, essentially becoming Canada’s team. While the Oilers happen to be my favourite team, even rival team fans came together in hopes of Canada winning. You could feel the pride of the Canadians during those games. I may move provinces again but I will never leave Canada!
Canada is a beautiful country filled with wonderful and friendly people who will gladly help you. Unfortunately, we do have some bad apples in the mix, but that happens everywhere. I love the diversity of Canadians and always look forward to learning different things about their cultures such as their history and their foods. I myself was an immigrant and now a Canadian citizen who has integrated himself into this country to try and make it better.
J’aime le Canada, pays bilingue.
The clean fresh air to get outside and the wonderful places to explore.
I love Canada because I feel safe here. I’m happy. We have seasons. I’ve never had to worry that I won’t be able to afford medical care. It’s also absolutely beautiful.
I love Canada because of its people. Heart warming, kind and generous. Bonus is all the fabulous parks and lakes to enjoy all summer.
Canada is the one country in the world that we are free, democratic and will not be bullied by anyone.
Canada is not for sale
Canada is free
Canada is a real democratic country
Canada will stand tall in front of bullies
Canada! I am so proud to say I am from Canada wherever we go. We may have small differences, and sometimes big ones, but when push comes to shove we pull together.
That, plus the scenery, social net, freedom and politeness all combine to make the special fabric of our nation.
Canada is the best country- it’s people, values, commitment to the environment and so much more
Canada is a multicultural country, with people from all walks of life, and from all over the world. What’s not to love about a country that has an embrace for everybody, including those who have come here for a better life? The great place to live that is Canada is due to the fact that it is a land of welcome.
Canada gives us freedom to live without fear and provides a safe environment for our families.
Canada is amazing for so many reasons! The natural beauty is unreal—majestic mountains, vast forests, stunning coastlines, and some of the most breathtaking lakes in the world.The people are known for being kind and welcoming, and there’s a deep respect for diversity and multiculturalism.
I also love how each season brings something special—snowy winters with cozy vibes and hockey, vibrant autumn leaves, warm summers perfect for lakeside adventures, and the fresh bloom of spring. Plus, Canadian food is underrated—poutine, Nanaimo bars, butter tarts, and fresh maple syrup?
Why do I love Canada? Because Canadians are polite. Canadians look after each other. Canadians are hard working. Canadians love hockey. Canadians have health care. Canadians are strong. Canadians are compassionate. Canadians are adventurous. Canadians know how to drive in the snow. Canadians are proud. Canadians are CANADIANS.
Why do I love Canada? It has always been my home. I’ve been and lived in different provinces and we are polite, kind people who don’t need to put on false pretenses.
Canaada is amazing! We are diverse, but together. We have amazing scenery and the opportunity to go camping, dishing and hunting with our families. We are unfailing in politeness, and sorry is a common word. There are so many things I love about Canada, but just want to say I am proud to be Canadian.
What I love about Canada is our different seasons, beautiful Provinces that are all uniquely different, our diversity and kindness and acceptance towards others
C – caring
A – admirable
N – nice
A – amazing
D – diverse
A – awesome
I love that we are proud of who we are and that we embrace diversity and change for the better!
Freedom Opportunity Abundance