September 3rd, 2012

Enter here for a chance to win a Toshiba 47″ Passive 3D 1080p LED HDTV. Oh man Ontario residents don’t qualify. This news upsets me. If you win this prize and you don’t want it, send it to me. Good Luck!

Entry Frequency: single
Open to: BC, AB, SK, MB, NWT

Expires September 29, 2012

4 Responses to Win a Toshiba 47″ Passive 3D TV

  1. steve says:

    u got to be kidding . my tv is old need a new one .

  2. needdy needdy one) dont have one) just want to win one) to ex to buy one ) please please give my one(

  3. michelle says:

    I really want to win this for my daughter.

  4. michelle says:

    I really want to win this for my daughter its her birthday coming up and she really wants this TV. I hope I can win this for my sweet little angle